어느 외진 숲속에 나무꾼이 살고 있었어요.
나무꾼은 너무 가난해서 늘 먹을 것이 부족했기 때문에
감자 하나로 묽은 수프를 가득 만들어
여러 번에 나누어 먹곤 했습니다. 또 추운 겨울이 되면
세찬 바람을 막아줄 따뜻한 집도 없었고,
낡은 도포로 만들어진 얇은 옷을 빼면 가진 게 없어
늘 추위에 떨어야 했답니다.
그런 나무꾼에게 아들과 딸이 있었어요.
아들의 이름은 헨젤이었고 딸의 이름은 그레텔이었어요.
헨젤과 그레텔도 아빠와 마찬가지로 늘
추위와 배고픔에 허덕였지만 헨젤과 그레텔은
언제나 웃음을 잃지 않으려고 노력하며
항상 서로를 위하며 하루하루 즐겁게 살아가려고 애썼습니다.
그러던 어느 날, 나무꾼이 낯선 여인을 데리고 왔습니다.
헨젤과 그레텔에게 이제부터 이 여인이
너희들의 엄마가 되어줄 것이라며 인사를 시켜주었어요.
헨젤과 그레텔은 엄마가 생길 거란 말에
반가워하며 계모에게 인사를 건넸습니다.
나무꾼에게 소개를 받으며 미소 짓던 계모는
헨젤과 그레텔의 인사를 반갑게 맞아주었지만
나무꾼이 자리를 뜨자마자 곧 싸늘한 표정을 지었습니다.
계모의 진짜 모습은 눈매가 부리부리했고
미간은 잔뜩 찌푸러져 있어서
가만히 있어도 아주 무섭게 보였어요.
헨젤과 그레텔은 아빠가 자리를 뜨자마자 달라지는
계모의 표정을 보며 큰 두려움을 느꼈지만 계모의 기분을
상하게 하고 싶지 않았기 때문에 애써 웃음 지었습니다.
계모는 그런 헨젤과 그레텔이 못마땅했습니다.
헨젤과 그레텔 때문에 나무꾼이 가난하다고
생각했기 때문입니다. 계모는 헨젤과 그레텔만 없어진다면
나무꾼이 가난에서 벗어날 수 있을 것이라고 믿었습니다.
계모는 헨젤과 그레텔을 집에서 쫓아내기로 마음먹었습니다.
계모는 나무꾼 앞에서 밝은 미소와 함께 온갖 애교를 떨며
나무꾼을 꼬드겼습니다. 이 지긋지긋한 가난이 모두
헨젤과 그레텔이 있기 때문이니까 그 둘을
쫓아내야 한다고 말이에요. 그 둘만 사라진다면
가난에서 벗어나게 되어 우리 둘이서만 더욱 행복하게
살 수 있을 거라며 달콤한 유혹을 멈추지 않았습니다.
매일같이 끊이지 않았던 계모의 유혹에 결국 나무꾼이
흔들리고 말았어요. 어느새 나무꾼마저 헨젤과 그레텔 때문에
모든 가난이 시작됐다고 믿고 있었습니다.
나무꾼은 헨젤과 그레텔을 데리고 깊은 숲속으로 들어갔습니다.
평생을 숲에서만 지낸 나무꾼조차 자칫 방심하면
길을 잃어버릴 만큼 아주 깊고 복잡한 숲속으로 말이에요.
나무꾼은 계모의 계획에 따라
그 둘을 숲속에 버려두고 혼자서만 빠져나올 생각이었어요.
하지만 계모가 나무꾼을 꼬드기는 것을 지켜보며
모든 계획을 미리 알고 있던 헨젤은 그레텔을 시켜서
모아 두었던 하얀 조약돌들을 주머니에 넣어둔 채로
나무꾼을 따라나섰습니다. 나무꾼 뒤를 조용히 따라가며
나무꾼 몰래 하얀 조약돌들을 하나씩
땅바닥에 떨어트리면서 말이에요.
깊은 숲에 다다르고 날이 어두워지자 나무꾼은 헨젤과 그레텔이
눈치채지 못하도록 혼자 몰래 집으로 돌아왔습니다.
계모는 혼자 돌아온 나무꾼을 보자
마침내 헨젤과 그레텔이 없어졌다고 생각하며 크게 기뻐했어요.
하지만 뒤이어 헨젤과 그레텔도 집으로 돌아왔습니다.
헨젤이 나무꾼 몰래 땅바닥에 떨어트려 놓은 조약돌들을 따라서
돌아왔던 것이었어요. 아무리 숲속 길이 복잡해도
헨젤과 그레텔은 조약돌만 따라오면 되는 것이었습니다.
자기 뜻대로 되지 않아서 머리끝까지 화가 난 계모는
불같이 화를 내며 그 자리에서 바로
헨젤과 그레텔을 쫓아냈습니다. 헨젤과 그레텔은
계모가 너무나 무서워서 그대로 다시 깊은 숲속으로
도망 나올 수밖에 없었어요. 날은 이미 어두워졌고,
주머니엔 하얀 조약돌 대신
낮에 먹다 남은 빵 부스러기만 남아있었습니다.
헨젤과 그레텔은 날이 밝으면 다시 집으로 돌아가
계모의 눈을 피해 아빠를 먼저 만나야겠다고 생각했어요.
이번에도 길을 잃지 않기 위해 조약돌 대신
빵 부스러기를 길바닥에 조금씩 흘리며
계속해서 길을 나아갔답니다. 헨젤과 그레텔은
곧 집으로 다시 돌아갈 수 있을 거란 생각에
크게 걱정하지 않았어요.
하지만 예상하지 못한 일이 벌어지고 말았어요.
숲속에 살고 있던 새들이 길바닥에 떨어진 빵 부스러기를
모두 쪼아먹어버렸기 때문이에요. 날이 밝아
집으로 돌아가려던 헨젤과 그레텔은 크게 당황했어요.
길바닥을 아무리 살펴봐도 집으로 돌아가는 길을 표시했던
빵 부스러기를 찾을 수가 없었어요.
길을 잃은 헨젤과 그레텔은 발이 닿는 대로 길을 걸었어요.
둘은 점점 더 깊은 숲속으로 들어가게 됐답니다.
배고픔에 지쳐 더 이상 걷기도 힘들어질 때쯤
저 멀리 고소한 냄새를 풍기는 밝은 빛이 보였습니다.
빛을 따라간 헨젤과 그레텔의 눈앞에 펼쳐진 것은
과자로 만들어진 집이었어요. 바삭바삭 비스킷과
달콤달콤 사탕으로 가득 찬 색색 젤리들로 만들어진 과자집은
헨젤과 그레텔을 기다리고 있었다는 듯
반짝거리며 빛나고 있었습니다.
헨젤과 그레텔은 깊게 생각할 겨를도 없이
집 이곳저곳을 뜯어먹기 시작했어요. 과자들이 너무 맛있어서
과자집 문이 열리는 것도 몰랐어요. 문이 열리며 나타난 것은
과자집의 주인인 마녀였어요. 마녀는 과자집을 뜯어 먹느라
정신없는 헨젤과 그레텔을 불러 집 안으로 들어오게 했습니다.
집 안에는 더 맛있는 것이 많다는 말에 헨젤과 그레텔은
눈빛을 반짝거리며 집으로 들어갔습니다.
마녀는 헨젤과 그레텔에게 따뜻한 수프를 내어주었습니다.
배도 부르고 따뜻한 수프까지 다 먹고 났더니
눈이 스르르 감기기 시작했어요. 마녀가 수프에
잠이 쏟아지는 약을 몰래 타 두었던 것이었어요.
깊은 잠에 빠져 있던 헨젤이 눈을 떴습니다.
헨젤이 눈 뜬 곳은 좁은 방에 차가운 바닥으로 되어 있는
작은 감옥이었습니다. 감옥 밖에선 동생 그레텔이
눈물을 흘리며 바닥을 청소하고 있었습니다.
그레텔은 마녀가 시키는 대로
바닥을 억지로 청소하고 있던 중이었어요.
마녀는 바닥을 청소 중인 그레텔을 뒤로하고
헨젤을 흐뭇하게 바라보았습니다. 마녀는 헨젤을 잡아먹고
그레텔은 시종으로 부릴 생각이었어요.
마녀는 헨젤이 잡아먹을 정도로 통통해져 있는지
확인하기 위해 감옥문을 열려고 했습니다.
열쇠를 들어 열쇠구멍을 찾았지만 쉽지 않았어요.
나이 든 마녀는 눈이 좋지 않아 앞을 잘 볼 수
없었기 때문이었어요. 문 열기를 포기한 마녀는
헨젤에게 감옥 창살 사이로 팔을 내밀도록 시켰습니다.
헨젤은 생각했어요. 진짜 자기 팔을 내밀면
꼼짝없이 마녀에게 잡아먹힐 것 같았거든요.
헨젤은 꾀를 내어 감옥 바닥에 굴러다니고 있던
뼈다귀를 주웠어요. 감옥 창살 사이로 뼈다귀를
대신 내밀었습니다. 눈이 안 좋았던 마녀는
뼈다귀를 만져보더니 실망했어요.
마녀는 헨젤을 통통하게 살이 찐 상태에서
잡아먹고 싶어 했기 때문이에요. 마녀는 시간을 들여
헨젤에게 먹을 것을 계속 갖다주었습니다.
하지만 시간이 지나도 헨젤은 살이 찌지 않았어요.
헨젤이 매번 팔 대신 뼈다귀를 내밀었기 때문이에요.
인내심이 바닥난 마녀는 화를 내며 그레텔부터
잡아먹기로 했어요. 그레텔에게 아주 커다란 냄비에
물을 끓이게 시켰어요. 마녀는 물이 끓으면
그레텔을 집어넣어 잡아먹을 생각이었답니다.
그레텔은 마녀에게 잡아먹히기 전에 무슨 수라도 내야 했어요.
그때 그레텔에게 아주 좋은 생각이 났습니다.
그레텔은 커다란 냄비의 물이 끓기 시작하자
마녀를 불러 냄비 뚜껑이 열리지 않는다고 거짓말을 했어요.
마녀는 화를 내며 자기가 직접
냄비 뚜껑을 열려고 했습니다. 눈이 안 좋았던 마녀는
냄비 뚜껑을 살펴보려 가까이 다가가 고개를 숙였어요.
하지만, 사실은 냄비 뚜껑은 처음부터 닫혀 있지 않았어요.
그레텔이 마녀를 유인해낸 것이었습니다.
그레텔은 마녀가 냄비 가까이 고개를 숙이자마자
있는 힘껏 마녀의 엉덩이를 걷어차 밀어버렸습니다.
풍덩- 마녀는 뜨거운 냄비에 그대로 빠져서
죽어버리고 말았어요. 그레텔은 감옥 열쇠를 찾아
헨젤을 감옥에서 꺼내 주었습니다.
무서운 마녀는 사라졌고 둘은 다시 만날 수 있었어요.
둘은 부둥켜안고 크게 기뻐했습니다. 헨젤과 그레텔은
집으로 돌아가 아빠를 보고 싶은 마음뿐이었어요.
하지만 집으로 돌아가더라도 계모에게 다시 내쫓길까 봐
걱정이었어요. 헨젤과 그레텔은 마녀의 집에 머물며
마녀가 숨겨두었던 보석을 찾게 됐습니다.
이 정도의 보석이라면 아빠와 함께
더 이상 가난하게 살지 않을 수 있었어요.
더 이상 아빠가 계모에게 휘둘려
자신들을 쫓아내지도 않을 거라 생각했습니다.
하지만 헨젤과 그레텔은 집으로 돌아가는 길을 몰랐어요.
그때였어요. 하늘에 백조가 나타나
헨젤과 그레텔에게 다가왔어요. 백조는 마녀의 저주에 걸려
백조가 되어버렸던 공주님이었어요.
마녀를 원수로 생각하고 있던 백조는
마녀를 없애준 두 남매에게 크게 고마워하며
둘을 집으로 데려다주기로 했어요. 헨젤과 그레텔은
백조의 등에 올라타 집으로 돌아갔습니다.
한편, 나무꾼은 계모의 꼬임에 넘어가
헨젤과 그레텔을 쫓아낸 것이 너무 후회스러워
매일 눈물을 흘리며 지내고 있었어요.
계모는 이미 병들어 죽고 없었고요.
헨젤과 그레텔이 보고 싶었던 나무꾼은 하늘을 올려다보며
자신을 원망했습니다. 그때 나무꾼은 믿지 못할 광경에
눈을 비볐습니다. 꿈에 그리던 헨젤과 그레텔이
하늘에서 손을 흔들며 내려오고 있었어요.
헨젤과 그레텔은 아빠에게 달려가 안겼습니다.
나무꾼은, 반짝이는 보석들보다 헨젤과 그레텔을 보고
더 크게 놀랐습니다. 앞으로 그 둘을 다시 볼 수 있는 날이
오지 않을 거라고 생각했기 때문이에요.
나무꾼은 헨젤과 그레텔을 꼭 끌어안으며
다시는 둘을 멀리 보내지 않겠다고 다짐했습니다.
헨젤과 그레텔이 가져온 보석 덕분에 나무꾼 가족은
더 이상 가난하지 않았고 그 어떤 가족들보다
행복하게 오래오래 살았답니다.
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박소정 – 외다리 병정
박소정 – 성냥팔이 소녀
헨젤과 그레텔 Lyrics Romanized
eoneu oejin supsog-e namukkun-i salgo iss-eoss-eoyo.
namukkun-eun neomu gananhaeseo neul meog-eul geos-i bujoghaessgi ttaemun-e
gamja hanalo mulg-eun supeuleul gadeug mandeul-eo
yeoleo beon-e nanueo meoggon haessseubnida. tto chuun gyeoul-i doemyeon
sechan balam-eul mag-ajul ttatteushan jibdo eobs-eossgo,
nalg-eun dopolo mandeul-eojin yalb-eun os-eul ppaemyeon gajin ge eobs-eo
neul chuwie tteol-eoya haessdabnida.
geuleon namukkun-ege adeulgwa ttal-i iss-eoss-eoyo.
adeul-ui ileum-eun henjel-ieossgo ttal-ui ileum-eun geuletel-ieoss-eoyo.
henjelgwa geuleteldo appawa machangajilo neul
chuwiwa baegopeum-e heodeog-yeossjiman henjelgwa geuletel-eun
eonjena us-eum-eul ilhji anh-eulyeogo nolyeoghamyeo
hangsang seololeul wihamyeo haluhalu jeulgeobge sal-agalyeogo aesseossseubnida.
geuleodeon eoneu nal, namukkun-i nachseon yeoin-eul deligo wassseubnida.
henjelgwa geuletel-ege ijebuteo i yeoin-i
neohuideul-ui eommaga doeeojul geos-ilamyeo insaleul sikyeojueoss-eoyo.
henjelgwa geuletel-eun eommaga saeng-gil geolan mal-e
bangawohamyeo gyemo-ege insaleul geonnessseubnida.
namukkun-ege sogaeleul bad-eumyeo miso jisdeon gyemoneun
henjelgwa geuletel-ui insaleul bangabge maj-ajueossjiman
namukkun-i jalileul tteujamaja god ssaneulhan pyojeong-eul jieossseubnida.
gyemoui jinjja moseub-eun nunmaega bulibulihaessgo
migan-eun jantteug jjipuleojyeo iss-eoseo
gamanhi iss-eodo aju museobge boyeoss-eoyo.
henjelgwa geuletel-eun appaga jalileul tteujamaja dallajineun
gyemoui pyojeong-eul bomyeo keun dulyeoum-eul neukkyeossjiman gyemoui gibun-eul
sanghage hago sipji anh-assgi ttaemun-e aesseo us-eum jieossseubnida.
gyemoneun geuleon henjelgwa geuletel-i mosmattanghaessseubnida.
henjelgwa geuletel ttaemun-e namukkun-i gananhadago
saeng-gaghaessgi ttaemun-ibnida. gyemoneun henjelgwa geuletelman eobs-eojindamyeon
namukkun-i ganan-eseo beos-eonal su iss-eul geos-ilago mid-eossseubnida.
gyemoneun henjelgwa geuletel-eul jib-eseo jjoch-anaegilo ma-eummeog-eossseubnida.
gyemoneun namukkun ap-eseo balg-eun misowa hamkke ongaj aegyoleul tteolmyeo
namukkun-eul kkodeugyeossseubnida. i jigeusjigeushan ganan-i modu
henjelgwa geuletel-i issgi ttaemun-inikka geu dul-eul
jjoch-anaeya handago mal-ieyo. geu dulman salajindamyeon
ganan-eseo beos-eonage doeeo uli dul-iseoman deoug haengboghage
sal su iss-eul geolamyeo dalkomhan yuhog-eul meomchuji anh-assseubnida.
maeilgat-i kkeunh-iji anh-assdeon gyemoui yuhog-e gyeolgug namukkun-i
heundeulligo mal-ass-eoyo. eoneusae namukkunmajeo henjelgwa geuletel ttaemun-e
modeun ganan-i sijagdwaessdago midgo iss-eossseubnida.
namukkun-eun henjelgwa geuletel-eul deligo gip-eun supsog-eulo deul-eogassseubnida.
pyeongsaeng-eul sup-eseoman jinaen namukkunjocha jachis bangsimhamyeon
gil-eul ilh-eobeolil mankeum aju gipgo bogjabhan supsog-eulo mal-ieyo.
namukkun-eun gyemoui gyehoeg-e ttala
geu dul-eul supsog-e beolyeodugo honjaseoman ppajyeonaol saeng-gag-ieoss-eoyo.
hajiman gyemoga namukkun-eul kkodeugineun geos-eul jikyeobomyeo
modeun gyehoeg-eul mili algo issdeon henjel-eun geuletel-eul sikyeoseo
moa dueossdeon hayan joyagdoldeul-eul jumeonie neoh-eodun chaelo
namukkun-eul ttalanaseossseubnida. namukkun dwileul joyonghi ttalagamyeo
namukkun mollae hayan joyagdoldeul-eul hanassig
ttangbadag-e tteol-eoteulimyeonseo mal-ieyo.
gip-eun sup-e dadaleugo nal-i eoduwojija namukkun-eun henjelgwa geuletel-i
nunchichaeji moshadolog honja mollae jib-eulo dol-awassseubnida.
gyemoneun honja dol-aon namukkun-eul boja
machimnae henjelgwa geuletel-i eobs-eojyeossdago saeng-gaghamyeo keuge gippeohaess-eoyo.
hajiman dwiieo henjelgwa geuleteldo jib-eulo dol-awassseubnida.
henjel-i namukkun mollae ttangbadag-e tteol-eoteulyeo noh-eun joyagdoldeul-eul ttalaseo
dol-awassdeon geos-ieoss-eoyo. amuli supsog gil-i bogjabhaedo
henjelgwa geuletel-eun joyagdolman ttalaomyeon doeneun geos-ieossseubnida.
jagi tteusdaelo doeji anh-aseo meolikkeutkkaji hwaga nan gyemoneun
bulgat-i hwaleul naemyeo geu jalieseo balo
henjelgwa geuletel-eul jjoch-anaessseubnida. henjelgwa geuletel-eun
gyemoga neomuna museowoseo geudaelo dasi gip-eun supsog-eulo
domang naol subakk-e eobs-eoss-eoyo. nal-eun imi eoduwojyeossgo,
jumeonien hayan joyagdol daesin
naj-e meogda nam-eun ppang buseuleogiman nam-aiss-eossseubnida.
henjelgwa geuletel-eun nal-i balg-eumyeon dasi jib-eulo dol-aga
gyemoui nun-eul pihae appaleul meonjeo mannayagessdago saeng-gaghaess-eoyo.
ibeon-edo gil-eul ilhji anhgi wihae joyagdol daesin
ppang buseuleogileul gilbadag-e jogeumssig heullimyeo
gyesoghaeseo gil-eul naagassdabnida. henjelgwa geuletel-eun
god jib-eulo dasi dol-agal su iss-eul geolan saeng-gag-e
keuge geogjeonghaji anh-ass-eoyo.
hajiman yesanghaji moshan il-i beol-eojigo mal-ass-eoyo.
supsog-e salgo issdeon saedeul-i gilbadag-e tteol-eojin ppang buseuleogileul
modu jjoameog-eobeolyeossgi ttaemun-ieyo. nal-i balg-a
jib-eulo dol-agalyeodeon henjelgwa geuletel-eun keuge danghwanghaess-eoyo.
gilbadag-eul amuli salpyeobwado jib-eulo dol-aganeun gil-eul pyosihaessdeon
ppang buseuleogileul chaj-eul suga eobs-eoss-eoyo.
gil-eul ilh-eun henjelgwa geuletel-eun bal-i dahneun daelo gil-eul geol-eoss-eoyo.
dul-eun jeomjeom deo gip-eun supsog-eulo deul-eogage dwaessdabnida.
baegopeum-e jichyeo deo isang geodgido himdeul-eojil ttaejjeum
jeo meolli gosohan naemsaeleul pung-gineun balg-eun bich-i boyeossseubnida.
bich-eul ttalagan henjelgwa geuletel-ui nun-ap-e pyeolchyeojin geos-eun
gwajalo mandeul-eojin jib-ieoss-eoyo. basagbasag biseukisgwa
dalkomdalkom satang-eulo gadeug chan saegsaeg jellideullo mandeul-eojin gwajajib-eun
henjelgwa geuletel-eul gidaligo iss-eossdaneun deus
banjjaggeolimyeo bichnago iss-eossseubnida.
henjelgwa geuletel-eun gipge saeng-gaghal gyeoleuldo eobs-i
jib igosjeogos-eul tteud-eomeoggi sijaghaess-eoyo. gwajadeul-i neomu mas-iss-eoseo
gwajajib mun-i yeollineun geosdo mollass-eoyo. mun-i yeollimyeo natanan geos-eun
gwajajib-ui ju-in-in manyeoyeoss-eoyo. manyeoneun gwajajib-eul tteud-eo meogneula
jeongsin-eobsneun henjelgwa geuletel-eul bulleo jib an-eulo deul-eooge haessseubnida.
jib an-eneun deo mas-issneun geos-i manhdaneun mal-e henjelgwa geuletel-eun
nunbich-eul banjjaggeolimyeo jib-eulo deul-eogassseubnida.
manyeoneun henjelgwa geuletel-ege ttatteushan supeuleul naeeojueossseubnida.
baedo buleugo ttatteushan supeukkaji da meoggo nassdeoni
nun-i seuleuleu gamgigi sijaghaess-eoyo. manyeoga supeue
jam-i ssod-ajineun yag-eul mollae ta dueossdeon geos-ieoss-eoyo.
gip-eun jam-e ppajyeo issdeon henjel-i nun-eul tteossseubnida.
henjel-i nun tteun gos-eun job-eun bang-e chagaun badag-eulo doeeo issneun
jag-eun gam-og-ieossseubnida. gam-og bakk-eseon dongsaeng geuletel-i
nunmul-eul heullimyeo badag-eul cheongsohago iss-eossseubnida.
geuletel-eun manyeoga sikineun daelo
badag-eul eogjilo cheongsohago issdeon jung-ieoss-eoyo.
manyeoneun badag-eul cheongso jung-in geuletel-eul dwilohago
henjel-eul heumushage balaboassseubnida. manyeoneun henjel-eul jab-ameoggo
geuletel-eun sijong-eulo bulil saeng-gag-ieoss-eoyo.
manyeoneun henjel-i jab-ameog-eul jeongdolo tongtonghaejyeo issneunji
hwag-inhagi wihae gam-ogmun-eul yeollyeogo haessseubnida.
yeolsoeleul deul-eo yeolsoegumeong-eul chaj-assjiman swibji anh-ass-eoyo.
nai deun manyeoneun nun-i johji anh-a ap-eul jal bol su
eobs-eossgi ttaemun-ieoss-eoyo. mun yeolgileul pogihan manyeoneun
henjel-ege gam-og changsal sailo pal-eul naemildolog sikyeossseubnida.
henjel-eun saeng-gaghaess-eoyo. jinjja jagi pal-eul naemilmyeon
kkomjjag-eobs-i manyeoege jab-ameoghil geos gat-assgeodeun-yo.
henjel-eun kkoeleul naeeo gam-og badag-e gulleodanigo issdeon
ppyeodagwileul juwoss-eoyo. gam-og changsal sailo ppyeodagwileul
daesin naemil-eossseubnida. nun-i an joh-assdeon manyeoneun
ppyeodagwileul manjyeobodeoni silmanghaess-eoyo.
manyeoneun henjel-eul tongtonghage sal-i jjin sangtaeeseo
jab-ameoggo sip-eo haessgi ttaemun-ieyo. manyeoneun sigan-eul deul-yeo
henjel-ege meog-eul geos-eul gyesog gajdajueossseubnida.
hajiman sigan-i jinado henjel-eun sal-i jjiji anh-ass-eoyo.
henjel-i maebeon pal daesin ppyeodagwileul naemil-eossgi ttaemun-ieyo.
innaesim-i badagnan manyeoneun hwaleul naemyeo geuletelbuteo
jab-ameoggilo haess-eoyo. geuletel-ege aju keodalan naembie
mul-eul kkeulh-ige sikyeoss-eoyo. manyeoneun mul-i kkeulh-eumyeon
geuletel-eul jib-eoneoh-eo jab-ameog-eul saeng-gag-ieossdabnida.
geuletel-eun manyeoege jab-ameoghigi jeon-e museun sulado naeya haess-eoyo.
geuttae geuletel-ege aju joh-eun saeng-gag-i nassseubnida.
geuletel-eun keodalan naembiui mul-i kkeulhgi sijaghaja
manyeoleul bulleo naembi ttukkeong-i yeolliji anhneundago geojismal-eul haess-eoyo.
manyeoneun hwaleul naemyeo jagiga jigjeob
naembi ttukkeong-eul yeollyeogo haessseubnida. nun-i an joh-assdeon manyeoneun
naembi ttukkeong-eul salpyeobolyeo gakkai dagaga gogaeleul sug-yeoss-eoyo.
hajiman, sasil-eun naembi ttukkeong-eun cheoeumbuteo dadhyeo issji anh-ass-eoyo.
geuletel-i manyeoleul yuinhaenaen geos-ieossseubnida.
geuletel-eun manyeoga naembi gakkai gogaeleul sug-ijamaja
issneun himkkeos manyeoui eongdeong-ileul geod-eocha mil-eobeolyeossseubnida.
pungdeong- manyeoneun tteugeoun naembie geudaelo ppajyeoseo
jug-eobeoligo mal-ass-eoyo. geuletel-eun gam-og yeolsoeleul chaj-a
henjel-eul gam-og-eseo kkeonae jueossseubnida.
museoun manyeoneun salajyeossgo dul-eun dasi mannal su iss-eoss-eoyo.
dul-eun budungkyeoango keuge gippeohaessseubnida. henjelgwa geuletel-eun
jib-eulo dol-aga appaleul bogo sip-eun ma-eumppun-ieoss-eoyo.
hajiman jib-eulo dol-agadeolado gyemo-ege dasi naejjochgilkka bwa
geogjeong-ieoss-eoyo. henjelgwa geuletel-eun manyeoui jib-e meomulmyeo
manyeoga sumgyeodueossdeon boseog-eul chajge dwaessseubnida.
i jeongdoui boseog-ilamyeon appawa hamkke
deo isang gananhage salji anh-eul su iss-eoss-eoyo.
deo isang appaga gyemo-ege hwidullyeo
jasindeul-eul jjoch-anaejido anh-eul geola saeng-gaghaessseubnida.
hajiman henjelgwa geuletel-eun jib-eulo dol-aganeun gil-eul mollass-eoyo.
geuttaeyeoss-eoyo. haneul-e baegjoga natana
henjelgwa geuletel-ege dagawass-eoyo. baegjoneun manyeoui jeojue geollyeo
baegjoga doeeobeolyeossdeon gongjunim-ieoss-eoyo.
manyeoleul wonsulo saeng-gaghago issdeon baegjoneun
manyeoleul eobs-aejun du nammaeege keuge gomawohamyeo
dul-eul jib-eulo delyeodajugilo haess-eoyo. henjelgwa geuletel-eun
baegjoui deung-e ollata jib-eulo dol-agassseubnida.
hanpyeon, namukkun-eun gyemoui kkoim-e neom-eoga
henjelgwa geuletel-eul jjoch-anaen geos-i neomu huhoeseuleowo
maeil nunmul-eul heullimyeo jinaego iss-eoss-eoyo.
gyemoneun imi byeongdeul-eo juggo eobs-eossgoyo.
henjelgwa geuletel-i bogo sip-eossdeon namukkun-eun haneul-eul ollyeodabomyeo
jasin-eul wonmanghaessseubnida. geuttae namukkun-eun midji moshal gwang-gyeong-e
nun-eul bibyeossseubnida. kkum-e geulideon henjelgwa geuletel-i
haneul-eseo son-eul heundeulmyeo naelyeoogo iss-eoss-eoyo.
henjelgwa geuletel-eun appa-ege dallyeoga angyeossseubnida.
namukkun-eun, banjjag-ineun boseogdeulboda henjelgwa geuletel-eul bogo
deo keuge nollassseubnida. ap-eulo geu dul-eul dasi bol su issneun nal-i
oji anh-eul geolago saeng-gaghaessgi ttaemun-ieyo.
namukkun-eun henjelgwa geuletel-eul kkog kkeul-eoan-eumyeo
dasineun dul-eul meolli bonaeji anhgessdago dajimhaessseubnida.
henjelgwa geuletel-i gajyeoon boseog deogbun-e namukkun gajog-eun
deo isang gananhaji anh-assgo geu eotteon gajogdeulboda
haengboghage olaeolae sal-assdabnida.
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헨젤과 그레텔 Lyrics English
A woodcutter lived in a remote forest.
The woodcutter was so poor that he was always lacking to eat
Make a thin soup with a single potato
I used to eat it several times. Also in the cold winter
There was no warm house to prevent the wind, and
There is nothing to remove thin clothes made of old coating.
I always had to fall in the cold.
Such a woodcutter had a son and a daughter.
The son’s name was Hansel and his daughter’s name was Gretel.
Hansel and Gretel, like my dad, always
It was suffering from cold and hunger, but Hansel and Gretel
Always trying not to lose laughter
I always tried to live happily every day for each other.
Then one day, the woodcutter brought a strange woman.
From now on to Hansel and Gretel, this woman
He said he would be your mother.
Hansel and Gretel will have a mother.
Nice to meet you and greeted your stepmother.
The stepmother who was introduced by the woodcutter and smiled
I welcomed the greetings of Hansel and Gretel, but
As soon as the woodcutter left, it soon looked cold.
The real appearance of the stepmother was beaked with eyes
The brow is frowned upon
It looked very scary even if I was still.
Hansel and Gretel change as soon as Dad leaves
I felt a lot of fear while looking at the stepmother’s expression, but I felt the stepmother
I tried to laugh because I didn’t want to hurt.
The stepmother was not good for Hansel and Gretel.
The woodcutter is poor because of Hansel and Gretel
Because I thought. If only Hansel and Gretel disappear, the stepmother
I believed that the woodcutter would be able to get out of poverty.
The stepmother decided to drive Hansel and Gretel out of his house.
The stepmother trembling with a bright smile in front of the woodcutter
I twisted the woodcutter. All of this damn poverty
Because there are Hansel and Gretel
I have to drive out. If only the two disappear
I get out of poverty and make only happiness only for both of us
I couldn’t stop sweet temptations.
The lumberjack eventually ended upon the temptation of the stepmother who never ceased every day
I was shaking. Even the woodcutter is because of Hansel and Gretel
I believed that all the poverty began.
The woodcutter took Hansel and Gretel into deep forests.
Even the woodcutter who spent only in the forest forests
In the forest, which is very deep and complex enough to lose the road.
The woodcutter according to the plan of the stepmother
I left the two in the forest and thought about it alone.
But looking at the stepmother twisting the woodcutter
Hansel, who knew all the plans in advance, made Gretel
With the white pebble they collected in their pockets
I followed the woodcutter. Following the wooden quietly
One by one of the woodcuts secreted white pebbles
While dropping on the ground.
As the day gets darker in the deep forest, the woodcutter is Hansel and Gretel
I sneaked home alone so I couldn’t notice.
Let’s see the woodcutter who returned alone
Finally, I was very happy to think that Hansel and Gretel were gone.
But later, Hansel and Gretel returned home.
Along with the pebbles that Hansel secretly dropped on the ground
It was back. No matter how complicated the road in the forest
Hansel and Gretel only had to follow the treaty.
The stepmother who was angry to the end of his head because it didn’t go to his will
I’m angry like a fire and right on the spot
He drove Hansel and Gretel. Hansel and Gretel
The stepmother is so scary that
I had no choice but to run away. The day is already dark,
Instead of white pebble in pockets
There was only a crumbs left in the day after eating during the day.
Hansel and Gretel go back home when the day is bright
I thought I should meet my dad first to avoid the stepmother’s eyes.
In order not to get lost again,
I spilled the bread crumb little by little on the street
I kept on the road. Hansel and Gretel
I think I will be able to go back home soon
I didn’t worry much.
But something unexpected happened.
Birds living in the forest are crumbs on the street.
Because they all pecked. The day is bright
Hansel and Gretel were very embarrassed to go home.
No matter how much you look at the street, you marked the way back home
I couldn’t find bread crumbs.
Hansel and Gretel, who lost their way, walked the road as they touched.
The two are getting deeper into the forest.
By the time it is tired of hunger and it is hard to walk anymore
I saw a bright light that smells far away.
What unfolded in front of Hansel and Gretel following the light
It was a house made of sweets. Crunchy biscuits and
A sweets house made of colored jelly filled with sweet and sweet candy
As if he was waiting for Hansel and Gretel
It was shining and shining.
Hansel and Gretel have no time to think deeply
I started to tear off the house. The sweets are so delicious
I didn’t know that the door of a cookie was opened. What appeared as the door opened
It was a witch who was the owner of the sweets. The witch is eating a sweets house
His crazy Hansel and Gretel came into the house.
Hansel and Gretel say that there are more delicious things inside the house.
I went home with my eyes shining.
The witch gave Hansel and Gretel a warm soup.
I was hungry and I ate all the warm soup
My eyes started to cold. Witches in the soup
I sneaked up the pouring medicine.
Hansel, who was in a deep sleep, opened his eyes.
The place where Hansel opened his eyes was made of a cold floor in a narrow room
It was a small prison. Outside the prison, his brother Gretel
I was cleaning the floor with tears.
Gretel is as the witch tells you
I was cleaning the floor.
The witch leaves Gretel, which is cleaning the floor
I was happy to see Hansel. The witch eats Hansel
Gretel was thinking about it.
The witch is chubby enough for Hansel to eat
I tried to open a prison door to check.
I listened to the key hole, but it wasn’t easy.
Old witches are not good eyes, so you can see the front well
It was because it was not. The witch who gave up opening the door
He let Hansel stands his arms through the prison grate.
Hansel thought. If you realize your arms
It seemed to be eaten by the witch.
Hansel was trying to roll on the floor of prison
I picked up the bones. Bones between prison grates
Instead, I put it out. Witches with poor eyes
I was disappointed when I touched the bones.
The witch is in a state of steaming Hansel
Because I wanted to eat. Witches spend time
I kept brought to Hansel.
But over time, Hansel didn’t gain weight.
This is because Hansel puts out bones every time.
Witches with patience are angry and from Gretel
I decided to eat. In a very large pot for Gretel
I boiled the water. Witches boil when water boils
I was going to eat Gretel and eat.
Gretel had to pay any water before it was eaten by the witch.
At that time, I had a very good idea for Gretel.
Gretel begins to boil the water of a large pot.
I called the witch to lie that the pot lid didn’t open.
The witch is angry and he is directly
I tried to open the pot lid. Witches with poor eyes
I went closer to look at the pot lid and bowed.
But in fact, the pot lid was not closed from the beginning.
Gretel lured the witch.
Gretel is as soon as the witch leans close to the pot.
I kicked the witch’s buttocks and pushed it.
Pung-Deng-Witch is in a hot pot
I died. Gretel is looking for a prison key
I took Hansel out of prison.
The scary witch disappeared and the two were able to meet again.
The two were hugged and rejoiced. Hansel and Gretel
I just wanted to go home and see my dad.
But even if you go home,
I was worried. Hansel and Gretel stay in the witch’s house
I found a jewel that the witch hid.
If this is a jewelry, with Dad
I could not live poorly.
My dad is no longer wielded by his stepmother
I thought I would not drive them out.
But Hansel and Gretel didn’t know their way back home.
It was then. Swan appears in the sky
I came to Hansel and Gretel. Swan is caught by the curse of the witch
It was a princess who became a swan.
The swan that was thinking of the witch as an enemy
Thank you very much for the two siblings who eliminated the witch
I decided to take them home. Hansel and Gretel
I got on my back and went home.
On the other hand, the woodcutter goes to the stepmother’s twist
It’s so regrettable to drive out Hansel and Gretel
I was shedding tears every day.
The stepmother was already sick and died.
The woodcutter that Hansel and Gretel wanted to see looked up at the sky
I resent myself. Then the woodcutter is unbelievable
I rubbed my eyes. Hansel and Gretel I dreamed of
I was waving down from the sky.
Hansel and Gretel ran to Dad.
The woodcutter sees Hansel and Gretel rather than shiny jewels.
I was more surprised. There is a day where you can see them again in the future
Because I thought it wouldn’t come.
The woodcutter hugs Hansel and Gretel
I vowed not to send them away again.
Thanks to the jewels brought by Hansel and Gretel, the woodcutter family
It was no longer poor and more than any family
I lived happily for a long time.
Find more lyrics at asialyrics.com
박소정 Lyrics – 헨젤과 그레텔

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