病毒 (Bing Du) Lyrics – Dwagie (大支)

病毒 (Bing Du) 歌词 Lyrics by Dwagie (大支)

十三世紀黑死病盛行的時期 在英國每十人次裡 就有4個人死去
歐洲逝去 三千萬條人命 實際生命短暫而且失序 人口少三分之一
歐洲征服美洲的航程 原住民喪生 死於屠刀槍聲 但更多是傳染病亡魂

美洲從六千萬的人口 銳減成五百萬人後 減少耕作 森林增多 氣候還降溫
西班牙流感 傳染擴散 更驚人 當時全球十八億人 有六億人 被這病症 給糾纏
美國人均壽就縮短十二年 五千萬病人給犧牲 死亡激增 超過一戰加上二戰
Covid偷襲 六百萬人離世 那全球衝擊 改變生活形式

加隔離封閉 航班全部停滯 計時 活在密室 人類活動全停止 Stop
病毒 病毒 把病毒都消滅 病毒 病毒 把病毒全消滅
最強 病毒 你還是不瞭解 沒辦法全消滅 不可能全消滅
病毒 病毒 把病毒都消滅 病毒 病毒 把病毒全消滅

最強 病毒 應該從中自覺 帶來新的世界 一個更好世界
海龜可以到不擁擠 海灘把蛋生下 叢林猩猩 不再憂鬱 生育兩倍增加
不再躲避 熊的蹤跡 出現機率增大 非洲終於沒犀牛群 因為角被坑殺
來對比 威尼斯河變得 清澈見底 恆河的污染減低 上游也已達可飲用狀態

看北京 掩蔽那天際 霧霾漸漸地 散開 印度換來 能肉眼看見那喜馬拉雅山脈
也因移動暫停 竟然 地球的震動少一半 全世界關機 驚嘆 少了七成噪音瀰漫
沒郵輪航行 海底環境 變成了二十倍的安靜 鯨豚安心 交談得更頻繁 這值得反省
人生病 因病毒攻擊 正確 假若認定 地球像人體 崩潰

那 這瘟疫 根本像抗體正神奇 幫地球恢復著生機 消滅地球的病毒 人類 殺
病毒 病毒 把病毒都消滅 病毒 病毒 把病毒全消滅
最強 病毒 你還是不瞭解 沒辦法全消滅 不可能全消滅
病毒 病毒 把病毒都消滅 病毒 病毒 把病毒全消滅

最強 病毒 應該從中自覺 帶來新的世界 一個更好世界
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病毒 (Bing Du) Lyrics Pinyin

shisan shiji hei si bing shengxing de shiqi zai yingguo mei shi renci li jiu you 4 geren siqu
ouzhou shiqu sanqian wan tiao renming shiji shengming duanzan erqie shixu renkou shao san fen zhi yi
ouzhou zhengfu meizhou de hangcheng yuan zhumin sangsheng si yu tudao qiang sheng dan geng duo shi chuanran bing wanghun

meizhou cong liuqian wan de renkou rui jian cheng wubai wan ren hou jianshao gengzuo senlin zengduo qihou hai jiangwen
xibanya liugan chuanran kuosan geng jingren dangshi quanqiu shiba yi ren you liu yi ren bei zhe bingzheng gei jiuchan
meiguo renjun shou jiu suoduan shi’er nian wuqian wan bingren gei xisheng siwang jizeng chaoguo yi zhan jia shang erzhan
Covid touxi liubai wan ren lishi na quanqiu chongji gaibian shenghuo xingshi

jia geli fengbi hangban quanbu tingzhi jishi huo zai mishi renlei huodong quan tingzhi Stop
bingdu bingdu ba bingdu dou xiaomie bingdu bingdu ba bingdu quan xiaomie
zuiqiang bingdu ni haishi bu liaojie mei banfa quan xiaomie bu keneng quan xiaomie
bingdu bingdu ba bingdu dou xiaomie bingdu bingdu ba bingdu quan xiaomie

zuiqiang bingdu yinggai congzhong zijue dai lai xin de shijie yige geng hao shijie
haigui keyi dao bu yongji haitan ba dan sheng xia conglin xingxing bu zai youyu shengyu liang bei zengjia
bu zai duobi xiong de zongji chuxian jilu zeng da feizhou zhongyu mei xiniu qun yinwei jiao bei keng sha
lai duibi weinisi he bian de qingche jian di heng he de wuran jiandi shangyou ye yi da ke yinyong zhuangtai

kan beijing yanbi neitian ji wu mai jianjian de sankai yindu huan lai neng rouyan kanjian na ximalaya shanmai
ye yin yidong zanting jingran diqiu de zhendong shao yiban quan shijie guanji jingtan shaole qi cheng zaoyin miman
mei youlun hangxing haidi huanjing bianchengle ershi bei de anjing jing tun anxin jiaotan de geng pinfan zhe zhide fanxing
rensheng bingyin bingdu gongji zhengque jiaruo rending diqiu xiang renti bengkui

na zhe wenyi genben xiang kangti zheng shenqi bang diqiu huifuzhe shengji xiaomie diqiu de bingdu renlei sha
bingdu bingdu ba bingdu dou xiaomie bingdu bingdu ba bingdu quan xiaomie
zuiqiang bingdu ni haishi bu liaojie mei banfa quan xiaomie bu keneng quan xiaomie
bingdu bingdu ba bingdu dou xiaomie bingdu bingdu ba bingdu quan xiaomie

zuiqiang bingdu yinggai congzhong zijue dai lai xin de shijie yige geng hao shijie
Find more lyrics at asialyrics.com

病毒 (Bing Du) Lyrics English

The period when the thirteenth century was prevalent, 4 people died in every ten people in the UK
Thirty million people have passed away in Europe, the actual life is short and the disorderly population is less than one -third
The voyage of the Americas who conquered the Americas in Europe died in the sound of the butcher knife gun, but more was the soul of the infectious disease.

The Americas decreased from a 60 millionth population to 5 million people to reduce the increase in farming forests and increased the climate and cool down.
The spread of Spanish influenza infection was even more amazing at that time, 1.8 billion people around the world were entangled by this condition.
The per capita life of the United States shorten the 10 million patients in the twelve years, the surge in sacrifice and death exceeded the World War II
COVID’s sneak attack on the global impact of 6 million people changing the form of life

Add all over -closed and closed flights to live in the secret room human activity to stop STOP
The virus virus eliminate the virus virus and eliminate the virus all the virus
The strongest virus, you still do n’t know how to eliminate it, it ’s impossible to destroy all
The virus virus eliminate the virus virus and eliminate the virus all the virus

The strongest virus should consciously bring a new world a better world
Turtles can go to the beach to give birth to the jungle orangutan no longer depression and fertility increased
No longer avoiding the trace of the bear, the chance of increasing the chance of increased in Africa.
To compare the pollution of the Venice River to the bottom of the Ganges, the upper reaches has also reached a drinking state

Watching Beijing’s covered haze gradually dispersed India in exchange for the naked eye to see the Himalayas
It is also because of the movement of the earth’s suspension.
Without cruise ships, the underwater environment has become 20 times the quiet whale dolphin.
The cause of the human disease is correct. If the earth is determined that the earth collapses like a human body

Then this plague is simply like the antibody is magically helping the earth to restore the virus to eliminate the virus human killing
The virus virus eliminate the virus virus and eliminate the virus all the virus
The strongest virus, you still do n’t know how to eliminate it, it ’s impossible to destroy all
The virus virus eliminate the virus virus and eliminate the virus all the virus

The strongest virus should consciously bring a new world a better world
Find more lyrics at asialyrics.com

Dwagie (大支) Lyrics – 病毒 (Bing Du)

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Dwagie (大支)

病毒 (Bing Du)