Stoned at the Nail Salon Lyrics by Lorde
Got a wishbone drying
on the windowsill in my kitchen
Best Asian Music Lyrics
Got a wishbone drying
on the windowsill in my kitchen
[Verse 1/Tahi Whiti]
E ngau mai ana te hotoke
Got a wishbone drying on the windowsill in my kitchen
在厨房的窗沿边晾晒一根许愿骨(wishbone是鸟类脖子上一根Y形的骨头 西方国家在吃家禽时有二人拉开这块Y形骨头 得大块者许愿的传统)
I hate the winter
I’m tryna blow bubbles but inside
试着将自己的想法倾吐 但在内心深处
Born in the year of OxyContin
Once upon a time in Hollywood
To the ones who came before us
Dancing with my girls, only having two drinks, then leaving
[Verse 1]
I hate the winter, can’t stand the cold