Slumdog Lyrics – Barry Chen

Slumdog 歌词 Lyrics by Barry Chen

被出賣 被冷落 被人揍
被人一腳踢開 看到你就躲
一無所有 只剩下你的夢

They love you when you’re on
Leave you when you’re fall
婊子 ain’t loyal, friends comes and goes
為了生存 無止盡的爭鬥

有誰能告訴我 where we belong
徘徊在繁華的城市裡 漫無目地
垃圾堆東翻西找 下一餐會在哪裡
Streets cold 肉弱強食 別奢望憐憫

不討喜的品種 走到哪都不受歡迎
無家可歸 步履闌珊 在街頭流浪
People hate on you 受盡欺辱 嫌你又臭又髒
冷眼旁觀 目擊太多生命消逝在街上

挨過太多仗 遍體鱗傷 淚腺鬧乾荒
要親身經歷 才能感同身受
狗咬狗 傷害你的通常是你的摯友
已經餓到沒力 誰能聽到你的呼救

網路分享愛心 現實生活沒人伸手
只是沒錢幫狗 植入晶片 他就一無所有
我也是流浪狗 嘴裡含著麥克風

想問 誰又 真正的在乎我
被出賣 被冷落 被人揍
被人一腳踢開 看到你就躲

一無所有 只剩下你的夢
They love you when you’re on
Leave you when you’re fall
婊子 ain’t loyal, friends comes and goes

為了生存 無止盡的爭鬥
有誰能告訴我 where we belong
被出賣 被冷落 被人揍

被人一腳踢開 看到你就躲
又有誰能告訴我 where we belong
Every night I talk to god
But he say non back

聽著人們抱怨有的太少 make me sick
見識太多人性醜陋 實在難以置信
Run away form the streets 疲於奔命
I seen too many ppl change on me

朝我吐口水 blame on me
犯了trust issue 不再相信
只是沒錢幫狗 植入晶片 他就一無所有

我也是流浪狗 嘴裡含著麥克風
想問 誰又 真正的在乎我
被出賣 被冷落 被人揍

被人一腳踢開 看到你就躲
一無所有 只剩下你的夢
They love you when you’re on
Leave you when you’re fall

婊子 ain’t loyal, friend comes and goes
為了生存 無止盡的爭鬥
有誰能告訴我 where we belong
有誰能告訴我 where we belong
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Slumdog Lyrics Pinyin

Ni shifou cengjing shenme dou meiyouguo
bei chumai bei lengluo bei ren zou
bei ren yi jiao ti kai kan dao ni jiu duo
yiwusuoyou zhi sheng xia ni de meng

They love you when you’re on
Leave you when you’re fall
biao zi ain’t loyal, friends comes and goes
weile shengcun wu zhi jin de zhengdou

you shui neng gaosu wo where we belong
paihuai zai fanhua de chengshi li man wu mude
lese dui dong fan xi zhao xia yi can hui zai nali
Streets cold rou ruo qiang shi bie shewang lianmin

bu tao xi de pinzhong zou dao na dou bu shou huanying
wu jia ke gui bulu lanshan zai jietou liulang
People hate on you shou jin qiru xian ni you chou you zang
lengyanpangguan muji tai duo shengming xiaoshi zai jie shang

aiguo tai duo zhang biantilinshang leixian nao qian huang
yao qinshen jingli caineng gantongshenshou
gouyaogou shanghai ni de tongchang shi ni de zhiyou
yijing e dao mei li shui neng tingdao ni de hujiu

wang lu fenxiang aixin xianshi shenghuo mei ren shenshou
yuanben liulang han shenbian duhui you zhi liulang gou
zhishi mei qian bang gou zhi ru jingpian ta jiu yiwusuoyou
wo yeshi liulang gou zui li hanzhe maikefeng

xiang wen shui you zhenzheng de zaihu wo
ni shifou cengjing shenme dou meiyouguo
bei chumai bei lengluo bei ren zou
bei ren yi jiao ti kai kan dao ni jiu duo

yiwusuoyou zhi sheng xia ni de meng
They love you when you’re on
Leave you when you’re fall
biao zi ain’t loyal, friends comes and goes

weile shengcun wu zhi jin de zhengdou
you shui neng gaosu wo where we belong
ni shifou cengjing shenme dou meiyouguo
bei chumai bei lengluo bei ren zou

bei ren yi jiao ti kai kan dao ni jiu duo
you you shui neng gaosu wo where we belong
Every night I talk to god
But he say non back

ting zhu renmen baoyuan you de tai shao make me sick
jianshi tai duo renxing choulou shizai nanyi zhixin
Run away form the streets piyubenming
I seen too many ppl change on me

chao wo tukou shui blame on me
fanle trust issue bu zai xiangxin
yuanben liulang han shenbian duhui you zhi liulang gou
zhishi mei qian bang gou zhi ru jingpian ta jiu yiwusuoyou

wo yeshi liulang gou zui li hanzhe maikefeng
xiang wen shui you zhenzheng de zaihu wo
ni shifou cengjing shenme dou meiyouguo
bei chumai bei lengluo bei ren zou

bei ren yi jiao ti kai kan dao ni jiu duo
yiwusuoyou zhi sheng xia ni de meng
They love you when you’re on
Leave you when you’re fall

biao zi ain’t loyal, friend comes and goes
weile shengcun wu zhi jin de zhengdou
you shui neng gaosu wo where we belong
you shui neng gaosu wo where we belong
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Slumdog Lyrics English

Have you ever had nothing
Sell, left left
When you are kicked open and see you, you hid
There is nothing, only your dreams are left

They love you when you’re on
Leave you when you’re fall
Sicks AINT LOYAL, Friends Comes and Goes
In order to survive endless fighting

Can anyone tell me where we belong
Wandering in a bustling city aimlessly
Where can I find the next meal in the west?
Streets Cold, weak and strong food, don’t expect mercy

It’s not popular anywhere
Homeless steps are wandering on the streets
People Hate On You suffer from insulting, it is stinky and dirty
Watching too much witness and seeing too much life disappear on the street

Too many battles, bruised tear glands in the body
You must experience it in person to feel the same
Dog biting dogs hurts you usually your best friend
I am hungry so that I can hear your call for help

No one reached out on the Internet to share love real life
There will be a stray dog around the tramps
It’s just that there is no money to help the dog into the chip, he has nothing to do
I also have a microphone in the stray dog’s mouth

I want to ask who really cares about me
Have you ever had nothing
Sell, left left
When you are kicked open and see you, you hid

There is nothing, only your dreams are left
They love you when you’re on
Leave you when you’re fall
Sicks AINT LOYAL, Friends Comes and Goes

In order to survive endless fighting
Can anyone tell me where we belong
Have you ever had nothing
Sell, left left

When you are kicked open and see you, you hid
Who can tell me when we belong
Every Night I talk to God
But he say non back

Listening to people complain too little make me sit
Seeing too many human nature is ugly, it is incredible
Run Away Form the Streets
I seen too many ppl change on me

Spitter at me, BLAME on Me
I no longer believe in Trust Issue
There will be a stray dog around the tramps
It’s just that there is no money to help the dog into the chip, he has nothing to do

I also have a microphone in the stray dog’s mouth
I want to ask who really cares about me
Have you ever had nothing
Sell, left left

When you are kicked open and see you, you hid
There is nothing, only your dreams are left
They love you when you’re on
Leave you when you’re fall

Sicks AINT LOYAL, Friend Comes and Goes
In order to survive endless fighting
Can anyone tell me where we belong
Can anyone tell me where we belong
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Barry Chen Lyrics – Slumdog

Listen to their music here Amazon Music
Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate and an Apple Partner, we earn from qualifying purchases

Barry Chen
