이때여 공명 선생, 살 얻어다 주 유 주며,
그 수를 헤어 보니 십일 만 팔천 개라.
감 택의 사항서와, 황 개의 골육계며
방 통의 연환계를 귀신도 난측이라.
그때으 조 조는 적벽강에다 대진을 칠 적에,
천여 척 전선으로 연환계 굳이 무어
강상 육지 삼어 두고, 일등 명장 유진허여,
말 달려 창 쓰기와, 활 쏘아 칼 쓰기며,
십팔계 사습허기, 만군중이 요란헐 제,
동산월색은 여동백일이요,
장강 일대는 여횡소련이라.
조그막한 병교,
호기 취중으 자어내여 제장다려 허는 말이,
“남병산색은 영롱허여 그림 병을 둘렀난디,
동을 가르켜 부상경이요, 서를 보니 하구경이요
남을 바라 번성이요, 북을 보니 오림이로구나.
사면이 광활허니 이 아니 좋을손가?
내 나이 오십삼 세라,
여득강남이면 동작대 높이 짓고
이교녀를 가취하야 노년 향락이
내 원으 족헐지라. 어와, 제장, 영 들어라.
명일 대전 시설헐 제,
승부를 결단허여 대공을 이룬 자는
천금 중상의 만호후를 봉하리라.”
이렇듯 영을 하니, 수만 군병들이
술, 밥, 떡, 고기 실컷 먹고
각심소원으로 노난디,
노래 불러 춤추는 놈, 설움 겨워 곡하는 놈,
이야기로 히히 하하 웃는 놈, 밥 먹난 놈,
떡 먹난 놈, 술 먹난 놈, 고기 먹난 놈,
잔뜩 먹고 토하는 놈, 투전하다 다투는디,
“나는 지면 돈 똑똑 내는디
너는 지면 무슨 텍으로 돈 아니 주느냐?
네가 군중의 일등장이냐?”
작수막수 다투난 놈, 어우. 시름 잡고 엎지난 놈
팔씨름허다 다리씨름허는 놈, “윷이야.”,
“샃이야.”, “모, 걸로 방쳐라.”,
“이 자식 말 속이지 마라. 삼대 빌어먹는단다.”
잠에 지쳐 서서 자며 조식조식 조난 놈,
한편을 바라보니 고향 생각 우난 군사,
부모 생각 우난 군사, 처자 그려 우난 군사,
처처이 쌓인 군사, 병루즉장위불행이라.
한편을 바라보니 어떠한 늙은 군사 하나,
벙치 벗어 들어메고 그저 우두머니 서서 우는디
“고당상 학발 양친 배별헌 지가
몇 날이나 되던고? 부혜여 생아시고
모혜여 육아시니, 욕보지덕택인데
호천망극이로구나. 화목허던 절내권당,
규중의 젊은 처자, 천리 전장 나를 보내고,
오날이나 소식이 올거나
내일이나 기별이 올거나, 기두리고 바랠 적으,
서산에 해는 기울어진디 출문망이 몇 번이며,
바람 불고 비 죽죽 오는 날으 의려지망이
몇 날이나 되던고?
소 중의 홍안거래 편지를 뉘 전하며,
상사곡 단장회는 주야 수심이 맺혔도다.
방패, 창을 들어 메고 육전,
수전을 섞어 헐 적 생사가 조석이로구나.
만일 객사를 허거드면 뉘랴 내 몸 엄토를 허며,
골폭사장에 흩어져 오연의 밥이 된들
뉘랴 손뼉을 뚜다리며 후여 쳐 날려줄 이가
뉘 있더란 말이냐?” 북천을 바라보며,
“어느 때나 고향을 갈거나.”
한 군사 썩 나서며,
“부모 생각 니 설움은 충효지심 거룩허다.
그러나 또한 내 설움 들어 보아라.
“이 내 설움을 들어라, 이 내 설움 들어라.
나는 오대독신으로, 열여섯 살 장가들어
사십이 장근토록 슬하 일점혈육 없어
매일 부부 한탄헐 제, 와따,
우리 집 마누라가 왼갖 공을 다 들일 제,
명산대찰 영신당과 고묘, 총사, 석왕사며,
석불, 미륵, 서 겨신 데 허유허유 다니시며,
가사 시주, 인등 시주, 열왕 불공, 칠성 불공,
나한 불공, 백일 산제 가지가지 다 드리니,
공든 탑이 무너지며, 심 든 남기가 꺾어지랴.
와따, 우리 집 마누라가 십 삭 태기 벼슬헐 제,
석부정부좌허고, 할부정불식허고, 이불청음성,
목불시악색허여, 지음지어 정견정면,
하월미월하야 순산으로 낳은 자식,
딸이라도 반가울 제, 깨목불알으
고추자지가 대랑대랑 달려,
열손에 떠받들려 땅에 뉠 날이 전연 없고,
오줌 똥 가려가며 오륙 삭이 넘어가니,
장판방으 살이 올라 얼굴은 관옥이요
풍채는 두 목지라. 터덕터덕이 노는 양,
빵긋 웃는 양, 엄마 아빠 도리도리 도리
주얌작강 내 아들, 아범 수염 검쳐 잡고
앙주 와서 틀 불기와 옷고람에 큰 돈 끌러
감 사 껍을 밧겨 손으 쥐어 빨리며,
주야 사랑 애정헐 제, 자식 밖에 또 있는가?
한참 이리 사랑 헐 제, 뜻밖에 급한 난리,
‘위국땅 백성들아, 적벽강으로 싸움가자.’
천아성 부른 소리, 아니 갈 수 없던구나.
사당문 열어 놓고 통곡 재배 하직헐 제,
간간한 어린 자식 무릎 우으 앉혀 놓고,
유정한 가숙 얼굴 한데 대고 눈물지며,
‘아이고, 마누라. 나는 전장을 가거니와,
마누라는 이걸 길러 나의 후사를 전케 허오.
생이별 하직허고 전장에 나왔으나,
어느 때나 고향에 돌아가 그립던 아해
품안에 안고 아가 응아 어려 볼거나,
아이고, 아이고, 아이고, 설운지고.”
또 한 군사 나서면서,
“니 설움 들어 보니 별 설움 아니다.
너는 죽더라도 자식이 있으니 후사는
잘 전겠구나. 또한 내 설움 들어 보아라.
이 내 설움 들어 봐라. 나는 일가친척 바이없고,
사고무친 이 내 몸이 이성지합,
우리 아내 얼골도 어여쁘고, 행실도 얌잔허고,
봉제사, 접빈객과, 치산 범절, 가장 공경,
세상으 짝이 없어, 주야 사랑 애정헐 제,
뜻밖으 급한 날리. ‘위국땅 백성들아,
적벽으로 싸움가자.’ 천아성 부르는 소리,
족불이지 나를 끌어내니 아니 갈 수 없던구나.
군복 입고 전립 쓰고 창대 끌고 나올 적에,
우리 마누라 거동 보소. 보신발로
우루루루루루루루루루루루 달려들어
나를 안고 엎더지며, ‘아이고, 가군.
이 지경이 웬일이요? 이팔 청춘 젊은 것을
나 혼자만 여기다 두고 전장을 가시려오?’
우리 마누라를 달래랼 제, ‘어허, 마누라.
우지마오. 장부가 세상으 태어났다
전장 출신이 아니라며는
장부 절개가 아니라 허니,
우지 말라면 우지마소.’ 달래어도 아니 듣고
화를 내도 아니 듣던구나.
잡었던 손길을 에후리쳐 내던지고
전장으 나왔으나, 일부일 전장은 불식이라.
망망창해 갓 없는 곳 동서남북으로 수직을 허니
함정으 든 범이 되고 그물으 싸인
내가 고기로구나. 고향을 바라보니
구름만 담담허고 아득 정신 기맥히네.
언제나 내가 고향을 가서,
그립던 아내 손길 잡고 만단정회를
언제 풀어 볼꼬. 어어어어허어.
“ 봇물 터진 듯이 울음을 우는구나.
이리 한참 설리 울 제 또 한 군사 내달으며,
“이 애, 니 설움 들어 보니
나와 똑같은 연처지정 이다마는,
니 설움 들어놓고 내 설움 좀 들어 보아라
내 설움은 언문 잔주에도 없고, 예기,
춘추에도 없고, 군중에도 없는 별별 설움이다.”
“그 설움 대단하다. 어디, 하여라. 들어 보자.”
“여봐라, 군사들아, 이 내 설움을 들어라.
나는, 나는, 나는, 나는 부모님의 덕택으로
열일곱 장가들어, 스물다섯 상처허고,
서른다섯 간신히 구혼하야 사주단자 보낸 후
택일 기별이 왔더구나. 일습기재 차릴 적에,
장 풍원네 비리 먹은 말꼬, 이 좌수댁 좀안장,
박 도령 쌍얼챙이, 공 도령 안판낙포,
두 쌍으로 증시 세고, 정 동장 함진애비,
집안 종 외눈퉁이 전동다리, 꾀수아비,
외삼촌 상객으로, 꺼멍 암소 안장 지어
투덕투덕 건너갈 제, 사모 품대 능란호사,
호기 있게 건너가, 초례청으 전안 허고,
대례청 대례 허고, 신부 방으로 들어가
차담을 든든히 먹은 후으, 일락함지 해가 지니,
저녁밥 갖은 반상 싫도록 먹은 후으,
담배 한 대를 얼른 피고 가만히 앉었으니,
아따, 우리 집 마누라가 들오는디,
옆 눈 지여 살펴보니 명조가 둥둥 뜨고
영풍이 깃들었다. 상하 한 벌을 훑어보니
머리 우으 화관이요 몸에난 원삼이라.
외삼촌댁 처남의 댁이 신부를 옹위허여,
옆 밀거니 등 밀거니, 가자 가자 어서 가자,
방으로 들어와 병풍 뒤에 앉혀 놓고
내 나가듯 다 나가고 신부 혼자 앉었기에,
곰곰 앉어 생각허니, 옛 노인 허신 말씀,
첫날밤 신랑이 신부 손길을 먼저 잡으며는
공방수가 든다기로, 놀래잖게 뒤로
가만히 돌아가 신부 허리를 넌짓 안고, 화관,
원삼 훨훨 벗겨 병풍으 걸어 놓고,
나도 훨훨 벗은 후으 에후리쳐 보듬어 안고
정담을 허랴 헐 제, 뜻밖에 외는 소리,
‘위국땅 백성들아, 적벽강으로 싸움가자.’
나오너라. 부른 소리 산천이 진동허고,
저기 있는 저 군사가 우루루루루 달려들어,
군복을 입히거니, 전립을 씌우거니,
등 밀거니 옆 밀거니 덜미 치고 나올 적에,
아따, 우리 마누라가 첫날밤 무삼 정이
그다지 많이 들었는지 우루루루 달려들어
내그 손목 부여잡고, ‘아이고, 가군.
나는 나는 어쩌라고 이 지경이 웬일이요?’
떨치고 나왔으나 언제 다시 고향에 돌아가
그립든 아내 손길을 잡고
만단정회를 풀어 볼거나,
아이고, 아이고, 설운지고.”
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조조 호기 부리는 데부터 군사설움 신부생각까지 Lyrics Romanized
ittaeyeo gongmyeong seonsaeng, sal eod-eoda ju yu jumyeo,
geu suleul heeo boni sib-il man palcheon gaela.
gam taeg-ui sahangseowa, hwang gaeui gol-yuggyemyeo
bang tong-ui yeonhwangyeleul gwisindo nancheug-ila.
geuttaeeu jo joneun jeogbyeoggang-eda daejin-eul chil jeog-e,
cheon-yeo cheog jeonseon-eulo yeonhwangye gud-i mueo
gangsang yugji sam-eo dugo, ildeung myeongjang yujinheoyeo,
mal dallyeo chang sseugiwa, hwal ssoa kal sseugimyeo,
sibpalgye saseubheogi, mangunjung-i yolanheol je,
dongsan-wolsaeg-eun yeodongbaeg-il-iyo,
jang-gang ildaeneun yeohoengsolyeon-ila.
jogeumaghan byeong-gyo,
hogi chwijung-eu ja-eonaeyeo jejangdalyeo heoneun mal-i,
“nambyeongsansaeg-eun yeonglongheoyeo geulim byeong-eul dulleossnandi,
dong-eul galeukyeo busang-gyeong-iyo, seoleul boni hagugyeong-iyo
nam-eul bala beonseong-iyo, bug-eul boni olim-iloguna.
samyeon-i gwanghwalheoni i ani joh-eulsonga?
nae nai osibsam sela,
yeodeuggangnam-imyeon dongjagdae nop-i jisgo
igyonyeoleul gachwihaya nonyeon hyanglag-i
nae won-eu jogheoljila. eowa, jejang, yeong deul-eola.
myeong-il daejeon siseolheol je,
seungbuleul gyeoldanheoyeo daegong-eul ilun janeun
cheongeum jungsang-ui manhohuleul bonghalila.”
ileohdeus yeong-eul hani, suman gunbyeongdeul-i
sul, bab, tteog, gogi silkeos meoggo
gagsimsowon-eulo nonandi,
nolae bulleo chumchuneun nom, seol-um gyeowo goghaneun nom,
iyagilo hihi haha usneun nom, bab meognan nom,
tteog meognan nom, sul meognan nom, gogi meognan nom,
jantteug meoggo tohaneun nom, tujeonhada datuneundi,
“naneun jimyeon don ttogttog naeneundi
neoneun jimyeon museun teg-eulo don ani juneunya?
nega gunjung-ui ildeungjang-inya?”
jagsumagsu datunan nom, eou. sileum jabgo eopjinan nom
palssileumheoda dalissileumheoneun nom, “yuch-iya.”,
“sach-iya.”, “mo, geollo bangchyeola.”,
“i jasig mal sog-iji mala. samdae bil-eomeogneundanda.”
jam-e jichyeo seoseo jamyeo josigjosig jonan nom,
hanpyeon-eul balaboni gohyang saeng-gag unan gunsa,
bumo saeng-gag unan gunsa, cheoja geulyeo unan gunsa,
cheocheoi ssah-in gunsa, byeonglujeugjang-wibulhaeng-ila.
hanpyeon-eul balaboni eotteohan neulg-eun gunsa hana,
beongchi beos-eo deul-eomego geujeo udumeoni seoseo uneundi
“godangsang hagbal yangchin baebyeolheon jiga
myeoch nal-ina doedeongo? buhyeyeo saeng-asigo
mohyeyeo yug-asini, yogbojideogtaeg-inde
hocheonmang-geug-iloguna. hwamogheodeon jeolnaegwondang,
gyujung-ui jeolm-eun cheoja, cheonli jeonjang naleul bonaego,
onal-ina sosig-i olgeona
naeil-ina gibyeol-i olgeona, giduligo balael jeog-eu,
seosan-e haeneun giul-eojindi chulmunmang-i myeoch beon-imyeo,
balam bulgo bi jugjug oneun nal-eu uilyeojimang-i
myeoch nal-ina doedeongo?
so jung-ui hong-angeolae pyeonjileul nwi jeonhamyeo,
sangsagog danjanghoeneun juya susim-i maejhyeossdoda.
bangpae, chang-eul deul-eo mego yugjeon,
sujeon-eul seokk-eo heol jeog saengsaga joseog-iloguna.
man-il gaegsaleul heogeodeumyeon nwilya nae mom eomtoleul heomyeo,
golpogsajang-e heut-eojyeo oyeon-ui bab-i doendeul
nwilya sonppyeog-eul ttudalimyeo huyeo chyeo nallyeojul iga
nwi issdeolan mal-inya?” bugcheon-eul balabomyeo,
“eoneu ttaena gohyang-eul galgeona.”
han gunsa sseog naseomyeo,
“bumo saeng-gag ni seol-um-eun chunghyojisim geolugheoda.
geuleona ttohan nae seol-um deul-eo boala.
“i nae seol-um-eul deul-eola, i nae seol-um deul-eola.
naneun odaedogsin-eulo, yeol-yeoseos sal jang-gadeul-eo
sasib-i jang-geuntolog seulha iljeomhyeol-yug eobs-eo
maeil bubu hantanheol je, watta,
uli jib manulaga oengaj gong-eul da deul-il je,
myeongsandaechal yeongsindang-gwa gomyo, chongsa, seog-wangsamyeo,
seogbul, mileug, seo gyeosin de heoyuheoyu danisimyeo,
gasa siju, indeung siju, yeol-wang bulgong, chilseong bulgong,
nahan bulgong, baeg-il sanje gajigaji da deulini,
gongdeun tab-i muneojimyeo, sim deun namgiga kkeokk-eojilya.
watta, uli jib manulaga sib sag taegi byeoseulheol je,
seogbujeongbujwaheogo, halbujeongbulsigheogo, ibulcheong-eumseong,
mogbulsiagsaegheoyeo, jieumjieo jeong-gyeonjeongmyeon,
hawolmiwolhaya sunsan-eulo nah-eun jasig,
ttal-ilado bangaul je, kkaemogbul-al-eu
gochujajiga daelangdaelang dallyeo,
yeolson-e tteobaddeullyeo ttang-e nwil nal-i jeon-yeon eobsgo,
ojum ttong galyeogamyeo olyug sag-i neom-eogani,
jangpanbang-eu sal-i olla eolgul-eun gwan-og-iyo
pungchaeneun du mogjila. teodeogteodeog-i noneun yang,
ppang-geus usneun yang, eomma appa dolidoli doli
juyamjaggang nae adeul, abeom suyeom geomchyeo jabgo
angju waseo teul bulgiwa osgolam-e keun don kkeulleo
gam sa kkeob-eul basgyeo son-eu jwieo ppallimyeo,
juya salang aejeongheol je, jasig bakk-e tto issneunga?
hancham ili salang heol je, tteusbakk-e geubhan nanli,
‘wigugttang baegseongdeul-a, jeogbyeoggang-eulo ssaumgaja.’
cheon-aseong buleun soli, ani gal su eobsdeonguna.
sadangmun yeol-eo nohgo tong-gog jaebae hajigheol je,
ganganhan eolin jasig muleup ueu anjhyeo nohgo,
yujeonghan gasug eolgul hande daego nunmuljimyeo,
‘aigo, manula. naneun jeonjang-eul gageoniwa,
manulaneun igeol gilleo naui husaleul jeonke heoo.
saeng-ibyeol hajigheogo jeonjang-e nawass-euna,
eoneu ttaena gohyang-e dol-aga geulibdeon ahae
pum-an-e ango aga eung-a eolyeo bolgeona,
aigo, aigo, aigo, seol-unjigo.”
tto han gunsa naseomyeonseo,
“ni seol-um deul-eo boni byeol seol-um anida.
neoneun jugdeolado jasig-i iss-euni husaneun
jal jeongessguna. ttohan nae seol-um deul-eo boala.
i nae seol-um deul-eo bwala. naneun ilgachincheog baieobsgo,
sagomuchin i nae mom-i iseongjihab,
uli anae eolgoldo eoyeoppeugo, haengsildo yamjanheogo,
bongjesa, jeobbingaeggwa, chisan beomjeol, gajang gong-gyeong,
sesang-eu jjag-i eobs-eo, juya salang aejeongheol je,
tteusbakk-eu geubhan nalli. ‘wigugttang baegseongdeul-a,
jeogbyeog-eulo ssaumgaja.’ cheon-aseong buleuneun soli,
jogbul-iji naleul kkeul-eonaeni ani gal su eobsdeonguna.
gunbog ibgo jeonlib sseugo changdae kkeulgo naol jeog-e,
uli manula geodong boso. bosinballo
ulululululululululululu dallyeodeul-eo
naleul ango eopdeojimyeo, ‘aigo, gagun.
i jigyeong-i wen-il-iyo? ipal cheongchun jeolm-eun geos-eul
na honjaman yeogida dugo jeonjang-eul gasilyeoo?’
uli manulaleul dallaelyal je, ‘eoheo, manula.
ujimao. jangbuga sesang-eu taeeonassda
jeonjang chulsin-i anilamyeoneun
jangbu jeolgaega anila heoni,
uji mallamyeon ujimaso.’ dallaeeodo ani deudgo
hwaleul naedo ani deuddeonguna.
jab-eossdeon songil-eul ehulichyeo naedeonjigo
jeonjang-eu nawass-euna, ilbu-il jeonjang-eun bulsig-ila.
mangmangchanghae gas eobsneun gos dongseonambug-eulo sujig-eul heoni
hamjeong-eu deun beom-i doego geumul-eu ssain
naega gogiloguna. gohyang-eul balaboni
guleumman damdamheogo adeug jeongsin gimaeghine.
eonjena naega gohyang-eul gaseo,
geulibdeon anae songil jabgo mandanjeonghoeleul
eonje pul-eo bolkko. eoeoeoeoheoeo.
“ bosmul teojin deus-i ul-eum-eul uneunguna.
ili hancham seolli ul je tto han gunsa naedal-eumyeo,
“i ae, ni seol-um deul-eo boni
nawa ttoggat-eun yeoncheojijeong idamaneun,
ni seol-um deul-eonohgo nae seol-um jom deul-eo boala
nae seol-um-eun eonmun janjuedo eobsgo, yegi,
chunchuedo eobsgo, gunjung-edo eobsneun byeolbyeol seol-um-ida.”
“geu seol-um daedanhada. eodi, hayeola. deul-eo boja.”
“yeobwala, gunsadeul-a, i nae seol-um-eul deul-eola.
naneun, naneun, naneun, naneun bumonim-ui deogtaeg-eulo
yeol-ilgob jang-gadeul-eo, seumuldaseos sangcheoheogo,
seoleundaseos gansinhi guhonhaya sajudanja bonaen hu
taeg-il gibyeol-i wassdeoguna. ilseubgijae chalil jeog-e,
jang pung-wonne bili meog-eun malkko, i jwasudaeg jom-anjang,
bag dolyeong ssang-eolchaeng-i, gong dolyeong anpannagpo,
du ssang-eulo jeungsi sego, jeong dongjang hamjin-aebi,
jib-an jong oenuntung-i jeondongdali, kkoesuabi,
oesamchon sang-gaeg-eulo, kkeomeong amso anjang jieo
tudeogtudeog geonneogal je, samo pumdae neunglanhosa,
hogi issge geonneoga, cholyecheong-eu jeon-an heogo,
daelyecheong daelye heogo, sinbu bang-eulo deul-eoga
chadam-eul deundeunhi meog-eun hueu, illaghamji haega jini,
jeonyeogbab gaj-eun bansang silhdolog meog-eun hueu,
dambae han daeleul eolleun pigo gamanhi anj-eoss-euni,
atta, uli jib manulaga deul-oneundi,
yeop nun jiyeo salpyeoboni myeongjoga dungdung tteugo
yeongpung-i gisdeul-eossda. sangha han beol-eul hult-eoboni
meoli ueu hwagwan-iyo mom-enan wonsam-ila.
oesamchondaeg cheonam-ui daeg-i sinbuleul ong-wiheoyeo,
yeop milgeoni deung milgeoni, gaja gaja eoseo gaja,
bang-eulo deul-eowa byeongpung dwie anjhyeo nohgo
nae nagadeus da nagago sinbu honja anj-eossgie,
gomgom anj-eo saeng-gagheoni, yes noin heosin malsseum,
cheosnalbam sinlang-i sinbu songil-eul meonjeo jab-eumyeoneun
gongbangsuga deundagilo, nollaejanhge dwilo
gamanhi dol-aga sinbu heolileul neonjis ango, hwagwan,
wonsam hwolhwol beosgyeo byeongpung-eu geol-eo nohgo,
nado hwolhwol beos-eun hueu ehulichyeo bodeum-eo ango
jeongdam-eul heolya heol je, tteusbakk-e oeneun soli,
‘wigugttang baegseongdeul-a, jeogbyeoggang-eulo ssaumgaja.’
naoneola. buleun soli sancheon-i jindongheogo,
jeogi issneun jeo gunsaga ululululu dallyeodeul-eo,
gunbog-eul ibhigeoni, jeonlib-eul ssuiugeoni,
deung milgeoni yeop milgeoni deolmi chigo naol jeog-e,
atta, uli manulaga cheosnalbam musam jeong-i
geudaji manh-i deul-eossneunji ulululu dallyeodeul-eo
naegeu sonmog buyeojabgo, ‘aigo, gagun.
naneun naneun eojjeolago i jigyeong-i wen-il-iyo?’
tteolchigo nawass-euna eonje dasi gohyang-e dol-aga
geulibdeun anae songil-eul jabgo
mandanjeonghoeleul pul-eo bolgeona,
aigo, aigo, seol-unjigo.”
Find more lyrics at asialyrics.com
조조 호기 부리는 데부터 군사설움 신부생각까지 Lyrics English
At this time, Mr. Resonance, give him oil
After breaking up the number, it is 18,000.
A selection form and a yellow bone broiler
The connection system of the room is also a ghost.
At that time, when Joe hit the Red Brick River,
Moorish ring chain with a thousand wires
Let’s take the land on the river, Yujin Heo, the first master
I run a horse, write a spear, shoot a bow, use a knife,
Hungry for eighteen-year learning,
The garden moon color is Yeodongbaekil,
The area around the Yangtze River is Yeohoe Soviet Union.
Small School,
I’m saying that I’m sleeping with my exhalation
“Nam Byung-San was wearing a picture bottle,
I pointed out Dong, and I was injured.
It is prosperity to look for others, and it is a story to see the north.
Isn’t it nice to have a wide slope?
I am fifty-three years old,
If you’re in Yeodeok Gangnam,
The old lady’s pleasure must be abused
f#ck my circle. Wow, chief, listen to the spirit.
Myeongil Daejeon facility
Those who achieved great success by making a decision
I am going to seal Man-Ho-hu after serious injuries.”
Like this, tens of thousands of soldiers
Eat alcohol, rice, rice cake, and meat
Nonandi as a wish
Singing and dancing, guys singing sorely,
Hehe haha laughs, eats,
The one who eats mochi, the one who drinks, the one who eats meat,
A man who eats a lot and vomits, fights and fights,
“If I lose money,
What tech do you give you no money if you lose?
Are you the leader of the crowd?”
The man who struggled with the filmmaker, wow. A wrecked guy
Arm wrestling, wrestling, “Wow.”
“That’s it.”, “Mo, let it go.”,
“Don’t deceive this child. It’s f#cking three.”
I’m tired of sleeping, sleeping breakfast
Looking at the other side, I thought about my hometown
Parents think Unan military, wife draws Unan military,
The military, where soldiers have accumulated, is imprisoned immediately.
Looking at the other side, one old soldier,
Take off the bunk and just stand and cry
“The high-ranking high school student Bae Byeol-heon
How many days? Buhye-yeo is born
Mo Hye-yeo, because you are raising children,
It’s a heavenly drama. Hwamok Heron Temple,
Gyujung’s young wife, sent me to the battlefield,
Today or news comes
Tomorrow or message coming, waiting and wishing,
The number of times the entrance to the mountain is tilted in Seosan,
The wind blows and the rain comes to death
How many days?
Spread the letter of the red eye of the cattle,
The day and night of the Sangsagok general meeting was concluded.
Shields, spears, land battles,
Mixing the faucet, the enemy’s life and death is tidal.
If you take down your business, you will be overwhelmed
The scattered scattered bones of the valley became Oh’s rice
The one who will slam and clap your hands
Do you mean who you are?” Looking at Bukcheon,
“Any time you go home.”
It’s a daily social relationship.
A military rotten,
“Your thoughts of your parents are holy and faithful.
But also listen to my sorrow.
“Listen to my sorrow, listen to this my sorrow.
I’m a single god, I’m a sixteen year old
There is no one-point flesh for forty years
Every day, the couple grieves, Wata,
My wife, my wife, will throw all the balls on my left,
Myeongsan Patrol Yeongsindang, Gomyo, Musketeers, Seokwangsa,
Seokbul, Maitreya, and Seo, who are in vain
Housework Siju, Indeung Siju, King Bonggong, Chilseong Bonggong,
I’m giving you all kinds of things like Bong-Gong, 100 days
The empty tower will collapse, and the remaining planting will be broken.
Wow, my wife, my wife, is in trouble,
Seokbu government seat permit, installment ignorance permit, Lee Bul-cheongseong
Evil perception at the time of wood,
Hawol Miwol Haya, a child born in Sunsan,
I’m glad to have a daughter
Red pepper cocks run alongside
There are no days when it comes to the ground with their hands,
The sh#t of the pee is overlooked
My face is Gwanok.
Pungchae has two necks. Sheep playing,
Sheep smiling, mom and dad torii
Juyamzakgang My son, Abum beard
Come to Anjou and draw a lot of money for the mold and clothes
Grab the peel and squeeze your hands,
Day and night love affection Oh, is there another child outside?
Love for a long time, my love
‘Let’s go to the battle by the Red Brick River, people of the Land of Hydrant.’
The voice of Chun-A-sung, you can’t go.
Leave the Sadang door open and cultivate whole grains directly.
A little child sitting on his knees,
I put tears on the face of a well-dressed family member,
‘Oh, my wife. I’m going to the battlefield,
My wife cultivated this to convey my posterity.
He was separated from life and appeared on the battlefield.
Aha I missed my hometown anytime
Hold it in your arms
I’m, I’m, I’m, I’m Seolyun.”
Another military,
“It’s not very sad to hear your sorrow.
Even if you die, you have children,
Good job. Also, listen to my sorrow.
Listen to this my sorrow. I have no family relatives,
My body that is accidental and unconscious is the opposite sex,
My wife’s face is pretty, and her behavior is pretty good,
Sewing thread, with guests, chief crime, the most honorable,
There is no world, love day and night, affectionately,
Unexpectedly urgent blow. ‘Dear people of the land of the world,
Let’s fight with the red wall.’
It’s a foot fire, and you can’t go because you pull me out.
When wearing a military uniform and wearing a prostate, dragging a window,
Look at our wife’s behavior. Boshin Foot
Rushing rushing
I fell on my back and said,’Oh, go on.
What is this Jikyung? Youthful young things
Would you like to leave this alone and go to the battlefield?’
Soothing my wife, I said,’Oh huh, wife.
Ujimao. Cog was born into the world
That he is not from the battlefield
Honey, not a cog incision
If you don’t cry, don’t cry.’
You weren’t even angry.
Throwing away the hand I held
The battlefield came out, but some days the battlefield is unconscious.
It is a place where there is no freshness.
Becoming a trapper and being wrapped in a net
I’m meat. Looking at your hometown
Only the clouds are calm, and the spirit is very exhausting.
I always go home,
Hold the hand of the wife you missed,
When will I release it? Oh my
“You cry like a burst of water.
Come on, Sully Ul, another military soldier,
“This boy, I heard your dissatisfaction
Ida-ma, who is the same as me,
Listen to your sorrow and listen to my sorrow
My sorrow isn’t even in the words,
It’s not the spring and the crowd, it’s the star of the stars.”
“That’s great. Where, do it. Let’s listen.”
“Hello, soldiers, listen to this my sorrow.
I, I, I, I, thanks to my parents
Seventeen marries, twenty five wounds,
Thirty-five, barely courted, after sending four weeks
An alternative message came. When you’re ready to go,
Jang Pung-won’s idiot, the saddle of this left-hander,
Park Doryeong Double-headed, Gong Doryeong Anpan Nakpo,
Counting stocks in two pairs;
Single-legged electric bridge, oracles,
As a foreign uncle, I built a bare cow saddle
I’m going to cross the street, the private company
Let’s cross over with excitement.
Go to the bridal room, go to the bridal room
After having eaten the chadam solidly, the sun goes down,
After eating so that I don’t like dinner with dinner,
I smoked a cigarette and sat still,
Ah, when my wife comes in,
When I looked at my eyes, my motto was floating
Youngpoong was infused. I looked through the upper and lower suits
It’s a coriander of the head and a raw ginseng.
The brother-in-law’s uncle’s house advocates the bride,
Next side, back side, back side, let’s go, let’s go,
Come into the room, sit behind the screen
As I went out and sat by the bride alone,
Sit back and think, old old man’s words,
On the first night, the groom grabs the bride’s hand first,
Because it’s a workshop, I’m surprised.
Go back and hold your bride’s waist, corolla,
Peel off raw ginseng and hang it in a folding screen,
I’m also naked after a long time
Hear the talk, hurry, the unexpected cry,
‘Let’s go to the battle by the Red Brick River, people of the Land of Hydrant.’
Come out. The sound that I sang was shaking,
That military over there rushes through,
Are you wearing a military uniform, wearing a prostate,
When the back of the back or the side of the back comes out,
Ah, my wife is Jung-sam.
If you heard so much, rush through
Grab my wrist and say,’Oh, go.
What do I do about this, Jikyung?
I trembled, but when I go back home
Holding my longing wife’s hand
I’m going to solve the Mandanjeonghoe,
Oh, oh, it’s snowy.”
Find more lyrics at asialyrics.com
정윤형 Lyrics – 조조 호기 부리는 데부터 군사설움 신부생각까지
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