暗中模索 意気消沈 以心伝心
一日千秋 一触即発 一進一退
一朝一タ 因果応報 海千山千
栄枯盛衰 温故知新 花烏風月
画竜点睛 起承転結 奇想天外
九死一生 急転直下 公明正大
呉越同舟 古今東西 五里霧中
言語道断 自画自賛 試行錯誤
自業自得 七転八倒 質実剛健
心機一転 森羅万象 青天白日
絶体絶命 千載一遇
書いても書いても 頭に入らない
書いても 書いても 忘れちゃう
前代未聞 大器晩成 単純明快
電光石火 日進月歩 半信半疑
品行方正 傍若無人 本末転倒
有言実行 優柔不断 有名無実
用意周到 臨機応変
書いても書いても 頭に入らない
書いても 書いても 忘れちゃう
書いても書いても 頭に入らない
書いても 書いても 忘れちゃう
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試験前夜 Lyrics Romanized
Anchumosaku iki shochin ishindenshin
ichijitsusenshu isshokusokuhatsu isshin’ittai
ichi Asaichi ta ingaoho umisen’yamasen
eikoseisui onkochishin hana karasu fugetsu
garyotensei kishotenketsu kisotengai
kyushiniissho kyutenchokka komeiseidai
goetsudoshu kokon tozai gorimuchu
gongododan jiga jisan shikosakugo
jigojitoku shichitenhatto shichijitsugoken
shinkiitten shinrabansho seitenhakujitsu
zettaizetsumei senzaiichigu
kaite mo kaite mo atama ni hairanai
kaite mo kaite mo wasure chau
zendaimimon taikibansei tanjun meikai
denkosekka nisshingeppo hanshinhangi
shinayukikatamasa bojakubujin honmatsutento
yu gen jikko yujufudan umyomujitsu
yoi shuto rinkiohen
kaite mo kaite mo atama ni hairanai
kaite mo kaite mo wasure chau
kaite mo kaite mo atama ni hairanai
kaite mo kaite mo wasure chau
dandan ishiki ga tonoku
Find more lyrics at asialyrics.com
試験前夜 Lyrics English
Searching in the dark, depressed, and devoted
Chiaki a day, one touch prompt, one step back and forth
One morning, one causal response, Umi Senzan Sen
The rise and fall of the rise and fall of the old wisdom
Kishōtenketsu Kishōtenketsu
Komeito Seidai, just below the sudden turn
Wuyue Doshu, ancient and modern east and west
Outrageous self-praise, trial and error
Self-employed, self-reliant, simple and strong
Everything in the universe, blue sky, white sun
Desperate desperation
Even if I write it, I can’t think of it
Even if I write it, I forget it
Unprecedented Daiki Late Seisei Simple and clear
Lightning stone fire, daily progress, half-credit, half-suspicion
Good behavior, unmanned, overturned
Indecisiveness, indecisiveness, famous innocence
Careful preparation
Even if I write it, I can’t think of it
Even if I write it, I forget it
Even if I write it, I can’t think of it
Even if I write it, I forget it
Gradually consciousness goes away
Find more lyrics at asialyrics.com
新しい学校のリーダーズ Lyrics – 試験前夜
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