路见不平 拔刀相见 绿林好汉 理所当然
山外有山 天外有天 义薄云天 英雄所见
袖手旁观 诡计多端 强词狡辩 鬼话连篇
油头粉面 贪得无厌 不择手段 兽心人面
见异思迁 移情别恋 灯火阑珊 起舞翩翩
沉鱼落雁 楚楚可怜 冲冠一怒为红颜
一生所愿 一厢情愿 望眼欲穿 肝肠寸断
人非圣贤 昙花一现 绿水青山 别有洞天
登高望远 痴于意念 多愁善感 知易行难
归心似箭 恨海难填 自古忠孝难两全
孤军奋战 举步维艰 明枪暗箭 随机应变
策马扬鞭 勇往直前 北雁南飞不是还
只手遮天 挑拨离间 江湖凶险 利字当先
夸夸其谈 大言不惭 嘘寒问暖 道貌岸然
养虎为患 放虎归山 一人当官 鸡犬升天
漫步云巅 风口浪尖 高处不胜寒 树倒猢狲散
忆苦思甜 饮水思源 光阴似箭 沧海桑田
曲终人散 举目望天 可知何处是家园
杞人忧天 仰天长叹 是非曲直 真假难辨
迷途知返 弃恶从善 欲海无边 回头是岸
疯人癫 疯人闲 疯人懒 疯人慢
疯人痴 疯人念 疯人傻 疯人倦
人之初 性本善 性相近 习相远
苟不教 性乃迁 教之道 贵以专
昔孟母 择邻处 子不学 断机杼
窦燕山 有义方 教五子 名俱扬
养不教 父之过 教不严 师之惰
子不学 非所宜 幼不学 老何为
玉不琢 不成器 人不学 不知义
为人子 方少时 亲师友 习礼仪
曰士农 曰工商 此四民 国之良
曰仁义 礼智信 此五常 不容紊
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Xiao Yi Ping (肖亦平) – 老李最近比較得意 (Lao Li Zui Jin Bi Jiao De Yi)
Ginma, Mu Qin (木秦) – Now I Gotta Go
疯人癫 (Feng Ren Dian) Lyrics Pinyin
Lu jian buping ba dao xiang jian lulin haohan lisuodangran
shan wai you shan tianwaiyoutian yi bo yuntian yingxiong suo jian
xiushoupangguan guiji duoduan qiang ci jiaobian guihua lianpian
youtoufenmian tandewuyan buzeshouduan shou xin ren mian
shou xin ren mian
jianyisiqian yi qing bie lian denghuo lanshan qiwu pianpian
chenyuluoyan chuchu kelian chong guan yi nu wei hongyan
yisheng suo yuan yixiangqingyuan wangyanyuchuan ganchangcunduan
ren fei shengxian tanhuayixian lu shui qingshan bieyoudongtian
denggao wang yuan chi yu yinian duochoushangan zhi yi xing nan
guixin si jian hen hainan tian zigu zhongxiao nan liang quan
gujun fenzhan jubuweijian ming qiang anjian suijiyingbian
ce ma yang bian yongwangzhiqian bei yan nan fei bushi hai
bushi hai
zhi shou zhe tian tiaobo lijian jianghu xiongxian li zi dangxian
kuakuaqitan dayanbucan xuhanwennuan daomao’anran
yang hu weihuan fanghuguishan yiren dang guan jiquanshengtian
manbu yun dian fengkoulangjian gao chu busheng han shu dao husun san
shu dao husun san
yi ku si tian yinshuisiyuan guangyinsijian canghaisangtian
qu zhong ren san jumu wang tian kezhi he chu shi jiayuan
qirenyoutian yangtian changtan shifei quzhi zhen jia nan bian
mitu zhi fan qi e cong shan yu hai wubian huitoushi’an
feng ren dian feng ren xian feng ren lan feng ren man
feng ren chi feng ren nian feng ren sha feng ren juan
feng ren juan
ren zhi chu xing benshan xing xiangjin xixiangyuan
gou bu jiao xing nai qian jiaozhi dao gui yi zhuan
xi meng mu ze lin chu zi bu xue duan jizhu
dou yanshan you yi fang jiao wuzi ming ju yang
yang bu jiao fu zhiguo jiao bu yanshi zhi duo
zi bu xue fei suo yi you bu xue lao he wei
yu bu zuo buchengqi ren bu xue buzhi yi
weiren zi fang shaoshi qin shi you xi liyi
yue shi nong yue gongshang ci si minguo zhi liang
yue renyi li zhixin ci wuchang burong wen
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疯人癫 (Feng Ren Dian) Lyrics English
The road is not flat, seeing the green forest, a good man.
There are mountains in the sky, there is a hero of the sky.
Handlinked, multi-end, strong words, sophisticated ghosts
Pumin powder surface is more than ordered to be a man
Beast heart
Seeing that I don’t want to lose my lights.
Shenfu geese Chu Chu pitiful crown angry for red
I hope that a happy life is willing to look at the liver intensity.
People do not have the sages of the sages, green water, green hills, don’t have holes
Don’t have a hole
Doughan, I’m too embarrassed, I’m too hard to know.
At home, it is difficult to fill in ancient times, it is difficult to fill in ancient times.
The solitary struggle for the struggle, the difficulty, the crowd, random strain
Zhama whip bravely go straight to the North Wildan Fei is not still
Not still
Hand covering the sky to block the river and lakes
To talk about the big words
Raising the tiger for the child, one person, the official chicken dog
Walking through the clouds, the wind is not a cold, the cold tree is scattered
Tree down
Remember the sweet drinking water, the source is cloudy, like the arrow, the sea
If the endless people are scattered, you can know where it is home.
The worry is worried about the sky, and it is difficult to sigh.
Differently, I will abandon the evil from the good want to the sea.
Back is the shore
Mad people, mad people, lazy, mad, slow
Madman idiots, mad people, stupid, tired
Madman tired
The beginning of the person is similar to the child.
Do not be taught, it is expensive to teach
The elective parts of the old Mun Mother choose to discharging the machine
Dou Yanshan has a famous five sons
I will not teach the father.
If you don’t learn, you don’t care, you don’t learn.
Jade does not help but do not learn to know
For the people, the teacher, the teacher Xi etiquette
士 农 工 商 工
仁 礼 智 智 智 五 五 常 紊
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Guo Xu (郭旭) Lyrics – 疯人癫 (Feng Ren Dian)
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