新疆Cypher (Xin Jiangcypher) Lyrics – Various Artists

新疆Cypher (Xin Jiangcypher) 歌词 Lyrics by Various Artists

See Ya Tomorrow你们这帮麦哈皮的:明天见:
一个二个太垃圾了 别把水平线再拉低了

但是是你们让我更dior yeah man我们得喝一个

Shyt 我想你不会忘掉
All ma brada:我的兄弟们:真的dior dior到我想上掉

西边儿下一个十年 由我们来创造
Ay 玉!Sallgood don’t sendis sh2dem

western china underground:西部地下说唱:
baxta heriket andin pilan:先行动起来再做计划:
7million xehsi ayripilan:带着七百万坐上私人飞机:
to da top from de bottom 我的 brat:站在顶峰的都是我街头的兄弟:

pop pirrra tattirra pilimot tat tat:噼里啪啦 biu biu :
mandin baxkisi bika:除了我全都白搭:
urumqige ba urumqige bama dep:每位游子回家的道路都有人盼归:
dumtikita ongdisiga dumtikitatata:不然就要翻跟斗敲架子鼓给我看:

yiltiz iskilat :厂牌名:
western china underground:西部地下说唱:
unde rap unde power unde pilan:在说唱 有力量 在计划上:

im the man saymyname call me klat:我就是那一位 说出我的我名字 叫我klat:
nadin kalding bra taxkipilant:你从哪儿来? 我来着外星:
kozemni axti kongamdiki gilem:身下壮丽的飞毯将我带入全新的世界:
kozengni aq kumluktiki yilan:沙漠中的蛇睁开你深邃的眼眸:

all day all day undegrand sh#t:日日夜夜想的都是说唱的事儿:
yeah m#f#k umda undegrand king

balla tayyar bashlawe, okay cool:“兄弟们已准备就绪 开始吧” 好嘞,酷:
Dadangning dewrige qoysang mawu naxsha xuddiy uh:这首歌放在在父辈时代也会是个大热单:
Bay xënimlar bek amraq (Chaqa) erkek version “Yar qaydu”:有品位富婆都爱听,就像是更有男人味儿的“Yar Qaydu”:
“Repmu?zukammu?”deysen chünki wekshi taqaydu :你会质疑“这是说唱还是感冒?”因为传播的到处都是:

yiritiwetmeymen, titimen men :这圈子 我不仅要掰断 还要撕碎:
Repning söngiki sundi, yilikni tökiwetmeymen ichimen men:说唱的脊椎骨断了,我不扔掉 我要喝它骨髓:
Mëkiyan?Qoshqar?beef? Göshning temini uqimen men :鸡肉?公羊肉?牛肉?我拎的清肉的品质:

羊肉串味儿说唱?ukangza zixni közüngge tiqimen men:兄弟,悠着点儿,签子可不长眼!:
zih ni kozidin den yulup:亲手拔掉插在眼里的签子:
leme pop som smoke man kikiwitay:流行音乐的烟是我点的,烟灰是我弹的:

this野火燎原flow like zippo man yikiwitay:这野火燎原的flow就像zippo 我将引燃这场狂欢:
imma Millie owner millionaire:我是米勒的朋友,理查的兄弟:
nazuk pp ringni qikiwitay:扇碎你脆弱的翡丽屁屁:
san titiwatsang manmu titiwitiman:3要撕碎那么我得帮他拿上拍成灰:

bula qidimisa,aqigini ni bisiwitay yo:看不惯我们过得太好,那只能强行平息你心中的怒火:
必须 shut the ph#ck up:必须管好你的嘴:
san bizbilan oynima:你不配进入我们的团队:

kerixsang qixingni yeden tap:不自量力只会让你满地找牙:
心虚的rappers继续做他们的假数据 facts goroz:大实话了吧:
这只是国际化的第一步接下来学bonjur gutentag:你好你好:

听一圈全是抄玉的type shyt:模板:
弹个视频给k少find a new balenci:找到了新的鞋纸:
维汉语夹杂着写词的活在我影子里因为thats my shyt:那是哥带火的风格:


ozangle yiginawa tortingni:羹你们自己吃吧 我想要的远不止于此:





老子啃白馕蘸你的RED EYE

LADYS CALL ME 新疆EDC:宝贝们叫我新疆陈冠希:



amalyok kandeba xoh xoh:血液里的激情是无法抑制的:
抱歉老铁 你眼前的ug la noqi am poqi:小伙子们英俊潇洒:

你们全家子转的都没我导演 费多
amma沉浸式搞米 amma amma全世界米amma
说唱sodela老练 你的天数文字对我们是小米:生意:

你抖音的表演 是我的睡前笑点
你产出bullsh 是你粉丝的糕点
rap digan nasiden waskiqa boldi:说唱这东西劝你还是放弃8:

不光是新疆 我是中文说唱最吊的导演
七张卡 滴滴刷

嘴上扬 像 piqina:小饼干:
双脚向上 kiqida:大晚上:

主办方求我们 不要走
我们红的像 葡萄酒


亲 不好意思
这个cypher 不包邮
‎كىم ئۆزنەپسىگە زالىم، :谁能控制自身欲望:

‎كەلگۈسىدە بۇلۇر ئالىم. :未来必将会有一定的名望:
‎سىڭگەننى يەيدۇ قارنىم،:我一直都问心无愧:
‎شۇڭا نەپسانىيەتتىن ئايرپ ئىش تۇت.:做人做事不要太贪婪:
‎ھۆرمەت تاپساڭ چوڭىدىن،:长辈的赞许是莫大的支持:

‎ئىشلارتىدۇ تارتىدۇ ئوڭىدىن.:事事都会顺心如意:
‎دۇراپ قالما غىتمەك قوڭىدىن،:避免效仿那些庸人之举:
‎ئۆزۈڭنى بىلىپ گاڭسا-موسادىن يىراق تۇر.:自觉的远离Gangsamosa:
‎بىز ھاسىل قىلغان ئىتتىپاقلىققا، :我们辛苦筑起的团结之墙:

‎دىسلار بۇلۇپ كېتىپتۇ لاققا لۇققا، :总有不怀好意的人想要摧毁:
‎ئاداۋەتلىرىڭ تاققا تۇققا، :你自诩的公平也不过是过眼云烟:
‎ناچارلىقتا يۈز كىلەلەمسەن بالىلققا؟:所作所为是否对得起你那纯真的童年:
‎ئىلىك ئال ئېغىر رەپلەرنى،:我的说唱将是对你的劝告:

‎نەسىھەتلەر قۇۋۋەت يىلىك. :它们能给你带来力量:
‎تۈزۈپ ئىسىلزادە سەپلەرنى،:建立一个个高尚的集体:
‎بول ئالماس، بولما چۈرۈك سىنىك.:一旦脱离集体将会漂泊无依:
‎ئەرتىۋارسىز زىددىيەتنى ئۇيۇت،:请放下心结化解心中的矛盾:

‎ئەمما تۇغرا تاللا مەيدان ۋە قۇتۇب. :去选择正确的立场和方向:
‎ئېسىلما نۇچىنىڭ ياققىسىغا، :不要招惹自命清高的人:
‎قاندۇرۇپ سالىدۇ نوچى پاققىنىڭغا.:一旦靠近将让你掉入深渊:
‎ئىككى كەلىمدۇر سېنىڭ تاككاڭ، :你说的话都如同飘渺的云雾:

‎سىياھلارغا ئارلاش ئىكەن ماڭقاڭ.:字里行间还透漏着浅薄的稚气:
‎يازغىنىڭ ئەبجەش كۈچۈرمە مازغاپ، :小心会有一天zenjir:
‎زەنجىر بۇغىدۇ گىلىڭە نىقتاپ. ::链子:拴着你:

dastihanni aq::宴会开始了:
maxrapta ussul,:跳起了麦喜来甫:
nahma nawa nazu nimmat yurtumda osol::这场家乡的盛宴载歌载舞美食飘香:
kumlukta ayah ezim bilakta burkut::沙漠都是我的足迹肩头傲立着雄鹰:

arkaklirim sapliri uzun::男子汉多征途:
anglihining bu cyfe ammas balki kumlukta qikkan kuyun::你听的这不是cypher而是沙漠卷起的旋风:
sakraymiz hamimiz sahnida::我们站在舞台中央狂欢:
yana maraydu kuramas tahtida::看不惯我们的只配站在台下偷瞄:

yurtumda daydu murat-king,wolf gang bilan aeila::家那边都叫我murat-king,和wolfgang是一家人:
xung a nahxila kuqi zor kalla bosa veng veng:badanla zeng zeng::我的歌如雄壮的野牛,赋予你无穷的力量:
pikri balla kilamaydu hing peng::有意见的人也不敢吱声:
dima nadin kagan keri kopa yigit 1on1::别跟我说这是哪儿来的老男人敢1对1:

rapqilikta hakni aka de ,call me dedi when i won::在说唱圈你得知道尊重,他说“若我赢了,别忘了致电祝贺。”
uyning kiqiki tixida,akisi arwakit kixida::家里的稚子漂泊在外,但背后还站着他的靠山:
rap talanti ohxax quxkan narkiwolfning kenida::兄弟两人血里流淌的都是说唱的基因:
sokma man bilan yoh parang ,imma busy like bigge::别跟我说无稽之谈,兄弟我很忙:

turmuxum balkim addi:ilhamim meni tatti ::我的生活或许平凡,但我的灵光照亮黑暗:
murat rapliridin ariya::这是出自murat rap的片段:
nahxila sandin kattik::我的歌做的比你硬:
viski xanpan tuptusun::先把威士忌香槟放一边:

yanila musallas tatlik ::还是我们自己的musallas好喝:
qong manda parik:ilhamim sarip::我的灵感涓涓细流,让我有了巨大的蜕变:
tilim yumxak sakraydu harip::凭借天赋的口才,收获了丰厚的回报:
yisiyatla darya hatlirim kenik::我的灵感迸发妙笔生花:

mangha yolukkanda qiriking serik::遇到我可以照亮你的道路:
kupla n#z#rida hazir man rapqiningli konisi::在很多人眼里我已经成为了老og:
xu wahti utkan altaxa ,hiphopningkidorisi::当年的SIX-CITY,是说唱的一方良药:
Ay 玉!Sallgood don’t sendis sh2dem
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新疆Cypher (Xin Jiangcypher) Lyrics Pinyin

CN de zunzhong wo chuangzao chabuduo xia yibu shi yazhou
ruguo deng ding shi “Tuesday” na wo jiushi “Taco”
See Ya Tomorrow nimen zhe bang mai ha pi de: Mingtian jian:
Yige er ge tai lesele bie ba shuipingxianzai la dile

kan ha ziji gan de zhua shi dou buxiang shuo nile
danshi shi nimen rang wo geng dior yeah man women de he yige
wo gen Three zai Shanghai liaozhe women yiqian de neihong
women xiang dang jiu neng dang jiaodian buguan shi zhudong huo beidong

ba tamen de lengchaorefeng quandou huan chengle feiyong
xianzai wo bozi shang de jinzi tai zhong rang wo yaosuan bei tong
Shyt wo xiang ni bu hui wangdiao
All ma brada: Wo de xiongdimen: Zhen de dior dior dao wo xiang shang diao

qita ren dou xiang xunzhao mima dan shenzhi dou meiyou zhanghao
xibian er xia yige shi nian you women lai chuangzao
Ay yu!Sallgood don’t sendis sh2dem

Western china underground: Xibu dixia shuochang:
Baxta heriket andin pilan: Xian xingdong qilai zai zuo jihua:
7Million xehsi ayripilan: Daizhe qibai wan zuo shang siren feiji:
To da top from de bottom wo de brat: Zhan zai dingfeng de dou shi wo jietou de xiongdi:

Pop pirrra tattirra pilimot tat tat: Pilipala biu biu:
Mandin baxkisi bika: Chule wo quandou baida:
Urumqige ba urumqige bama dep: Mei wei youzi hui jia de daolu dou youren pan gui:
Dumtikita ongdisiga dumtikitatata: Buran jiu yao fan gendou qiao jiazi gu gei wo kan:

Tehitugimidikisas: Zan de zhang hai mei suan wan:
Yiltiz iskilat: Chang pai ming:
Western china underground: Xibu dixia shuochang:
Unde rap unde power unde pilan: Zai shuochang you liliang zai jihua shang:

Im the man saymyname call me klat: Wo jiushi na yi wei shuo chu wo de wo mingzi jiao wo klat:
Nadin kalding bra taxkipilant: Ni cong na’er lai? Wo laizhe wai xing:
Kozemni axti kongamdiki gilem: Shen xia zhuangli de fei tan jiang wo dai ru quanxin de shijie:
Kozengni aq kumluktiki yilan: Shamo zhong de she zheng kai ni shensui de yan mou:

All day all day undegrand sh#t: Ri ri ye ye xiang de dou shi shuochang de shi er:
Yeah m#f#k umda undegrand king
Qandigha?: Zhunbei jiuxu?:

Balla tayyar bashlawe, okay cool:“Xiongdimen yi zhunbei jiuxu kaishi ba” haolei, ku:
Dadangning dewrige qoysang mawu naxsha xuddiy uh: Zhe shou ge fang zai zai fubei shidai ye hui shige da re dan:
Bay xenimlar bek amraq (Chaqa) erkek version “Yar qaydu”: You pinwei fupo dou ai ting, jiu xiang shi geng you nanren wei er de “Yar Qaydu”:
“Repmu?Zukammu?”Deysen chunki wekshi taqaydu: Ni hui zhiyi “zhe shi shuochang haishi ganmao?” Yinwei chuanbo de daochu dou shi:

yiritiwetmeymen, titimen men: Zhe quanzi wo bujin yao bai duan hai yao si sui:
Repning songiki sundi, yilikni tokiwetmeymen ichimen men: Shuochang de jichuigu duanle, wo bu reng diao wo yao he ta gusui:
Mekiyan?Qoshqar?Beef? Goshning temini uqimen men: Jirou? Gong yangrou? Niurou? Wo lin de qing rou de pinzhi:

Yangrou chuanwei er shuochang?Ukangza zixni kozungge tiqimen men: Xiongdi, you zhuo dian er, qian zi kebu chang yan!:
Na qi wo fu:
Zih ni kozidin den yulup: Qinshou ba diao cha zai yan li de qianzi:
Leme pop som smoke man kikiwitay: Liuxing yinyue de yan shi wo dian de, yanhui shi wo dan de:

This yehuo liao yuan flow like zippo man yikiwitay: Zhe yehuo liao yuan de flow jiu xiang zippo wo jiang yin ran zhe chang kuanghuan:
Imma Millie owner millionaire: Wo shi mi lei de pengyou, li cha de xiongdi:
Nazuk pp ringni qikiwitay: Shan sui ni cuiruo de fei li pi pi:
San titiwatsang manmu titiwitiman:3 Yao si sui name wo de bang ta na shang pai cheng hui:

Bula qidimisa,aqigini ni bisiwitay yo: Kan bu guan womenguo de tai hao, na zhi neng qiangxing pingxi ni xinzhong de nuhuo:
Wo jiushi nimen ge li huanxiang de opp: Jiaxiangdi:
Bixu shut the ph#ck up: Bixu guan hao ni de zui:
San bizbilan oynima: Ni bupei jinru women de tuandui:

Kerixsang qixingni yeden tap: Bu zi liangli zhi hui rang ni man di zhao ya:
Xinxu de rappers jixu zuo tamen de jia shuju facts goroz: Da shihuale ba:
Zhe zhishi guoji hua de di yi bu jie xialai xue bonjur gutentag: Ni hao ni hao:
Women tongzhi drill yi nianle

ting yi quan quan shi chao yu de type shyt: Muban:
Dan ge shipin gei k shao find a new balenci: Zhaodaole xin de xie zhi:
Yao buyao wo shunlu mai xie
wei hanyu jiazazhe xie ci de huo zai wo yingzi li yinwei thats my shyt: Na shi ge dai huo de fengge:

Gei ni lian zui hao jie haole zaizimen buran lang ge jinggao nimen zhe zhishi ge kaishi
yeman shengzhang suo jing zhi chu cuncaobusheng
baijin VIP hei duzi fuweng
bie shuo houhui raoshele man

cengjing de duishou xian zai zhijie houhui chusheng
shengming langji congxin shijie piaoyang daole gucheng
zai nimen di dipan yeyou shu shi yi de husheng
ozangle yiginawa tortingni: Geng nimen ziji chi ba wo xiang yao de yuan buzhi yu ci:

Yao de shi zhege pan li zhan bi 51 de gufen
KASA KIZLA KIYDU KALTA: Guniangmen chuan qile duan qun:

SHAKE SHAKE IT OYNA HALIDA: Jinqing de wan ba:
“ALPAKINO KANDA BALSAN?!”:ALPAKINO ni daodi shi shenme renwu?!:
KANDAK OYLISAG XUNDAK BALMANGU: Ni zenme xiang wo, wo jiushi zenyang de renwu:
Women zhi buguo gei youxi diaole canshu

chui mie suoyou wo de ying fenshen RAPPERs
WG TYPE SHYT si diao ni de lantu
OYNAG HALIDAM A: Wan qilai ba tiao qilai ba:
ELIP BADAN NI MANDIN QAYKAG HALIDAM: Shifang ni de reqing jinqing de kuanghuan ba:

BILMAY ESILIP KAMMAG MAYKAM GA HALIDAM: Bie zai wuyi jian qing che wo de yi ling:
YEYEYE LOUIS VUITTON BU: Zhe keshi LV de shangyi:
XUNNUGGA BAYKAG HALIDAM: Ni ke yao qian wan xiaoxin:
EQILEP OYNAG HALIDAM: Jinqing de kuanghuan ba:

Name you ji ci cypher wo jiu si ji ci
3000 ren chang UMBROSKII ziji cheng
laozi ken bai nang zhan ni de RED EYE
CHINA POWER WILD WILD WEST SIDE(huaxia liliang shijie di yi)

BROSKIK shao hai de jixu
LADYS CALL ME xinjiang EDC: Baobeimen jiao wo xinjiang chenguanxi:
You wo zai di difang tamen bu hui tiqi ni
yinwei wo shi

KASA KIZLA KIYDU KALTA: Guniangmen chuan qile duan qun:
SHAKE SHAKE IT OYNA HALIDA: Jinqing de wan ba:
“ALPAKINO KANDA BALSAN?!”:ALPAKINO ni shi shenme yang de renwu?!:

KANDAK OYLISAG XUNDAK BALMANGU: Ni zenme xiang wo, wo jiushi shenme yang de renwu:
Women zhi buguo gei youxi diaole canshu
chui mie suoyou wo de ying fenshen RAPPERs
WG TYPE SHYT si diao ni de lantu

Amalyok kandeba xoh xoh: Xieye li de jiqing shi wufa yizhi de:
Baoqian lao tie ni yanqian de ug la noqi am poqi: Xiaohuozimen yingjun xiaosa:
Lianjie quanguo shuochang xiang xiujian gaotie

women jiushi dangdai de ba yi laoye
nimen quanjia zi zhuan de dou mei wo daoyan fei duo
amma chenjin shi gao mi amma amma quan shijie mi amma
shuochang sodela laolian ni de tianshu wenzi dui women shi xiaomi: Shengyi:

Ni dou yin de biaoyan shi wo de shui qian xiao dian
ni chan chu bullsh shi ni fensi de gaodian
rap digan nasiden waskiqa boldi: Shuochang zhe dongxi quan ni haishi fangqi 8:
Ting ni ma dehua gun hui jia qu kaoyan

ting hao le laodi
buguang shi xinjiang wo shi zhongwen shuochang zui diao de daoyan
qi zhang ka di di shua
jiaoban jiaoban firima: Naicha fen:

Zui shangyang xiang piqina: Xiao binggan:
Shuang jiao xiangshang kiqida: Da wanshang:
Nu er xia ti piqi da
mingsheng zaiwai tixida: Waimian:

Da shiye shuochang tixi da
gan zhengshi bu shuo p hua
zhuban fang qiu women buyao zou
women hong de xiang putaojiu

women ganjing lisuo jingshen de hen
ni you de xiang rujiao tao
ni de hong na bu jiao hong
women shi shuochang du jiao long

qin bu haoyisi
zhege cypher bu bao you
‎Ky̱m ỷۆznhpsy̱gh zạly̱m, : Shei neng kongzhi zishen yuwang:

‎Khlgۈsy̱dh bۇlۇr ỷạly̱m. : Weilai bi jiang hui you yiding de mingwang:
‎Sy̱ṉgghnny̱ yhydۇ qạrny̱m,: Wo yizhi dou wenxin wukui:
‎Sẖۇṉgạ nhpsạny̱yhtty̱n ỷạyrp ỷy̱sẖ tۇt.: Zuoren zuoshi buyao tai tanlan:
‎ʱۆrmht tạpsạṉg cẖwṉgy̱dy̱n,: Zhangbei de zanxu shi moda de zhichi:

‎Ỷy̱sẖlạrty̱dۇ tạrty̱dۇ ỷwṉgy̱dy̱n.: Shi shi duhui shunxin ruyi:
‎Dۇrạp qạlmạ gẖy̱tmhk qwṉgy̱dy̱n,: Bimian xiaofang naxie yong ren zhi ju:
‎Ỷۆzۈṉgny̱ by̱ly̱p gạṉgsạ-mwsạdy̱n yy̱rạq tۇr.: Zijue de yuanli Gangsamosa:
‎By̱z ʱạsy̱l qy̱lgẖạn ỷy̱tty̱pạqly̱qqạ, : Women xinku zhu qi de tuanjie zhi qiang:

‎Dy̱slạr bۇlۇp kety̱ptۇ lạqqạ lۇqqạ, : Zong you bu huai haoyi de ren xiang yao cuihui:
‎Ỷạdạv̱htly̱ry̱ṉg tạqqạ tۇqqạ, : Ni zi xu de gongping ye buguo shi guoyanyunyan:
‎Nạcẖạrly̱qtạ yۈz ky̱lhlhmshn bạly̱lqqạ?: Suozuo suo wei shifou duideqi ni na chunzhen de tongnian:
‎Ỷy̱ly̱k ỷạl ỷegẖy̱r rhplhrny̱,: Wo de shuochang jiang shi dui ni de quangao:

‎Nhsy̱ʱhtlhr qۇv̱v̱ht yy̱ly̱k. : Tamen neng gei ni dai lai liliang:
‎Tۈzۈp ỷy̱sy̱lzạdh shplhrny̱,: Jianli yige ge gaoshang de jiti:
‎Bwl ỷạlmạs, bwlmạ cẖۈrۈk sy̱ny̱k.: Yidan tuoli jiti jiang hui piaobo wu yi:
‎Ỷhrty̱v̱ạrsy̱z zy̱ddy̱yhtny̱ ỷۇyۇt,: Qing fangxia xin jie huajie xinzhong de maodun:

‎Ỷhmmạ tۇgẖrạ tạllạ mhydạn v̱h qۇtۇb. : Qu xuanze zhengque de lichang he fangxiang:
‎Ỷesy̱lmạ nۇcẖy̱ny̱ṉg yạqqy̱sy̱gẖạ, : Buyao zhaore ziming qinggao de ren:
‎Qạndۇrۇp sạly̱dۇ nwcẖy̱ pạqqy̱ny̱ṉggẖạ.: Yidan kaojin jiang rang ni diao ru shenyuan:
‎Ỷy̱kky̱ khly̱mdۇr seny̱ṉg tạkkạṉg, : Ni shuo dehua dou rutong piaomiao de yunwu:

‎Sy̱yạʱlạrgẖạ ỷạrlạsẖ ỷy̱khn mạṉgqạṉg.: Zilihangjian hai toulouzhe qianbo de zhiqi:
‎Yạzgẖy̱ny̱ṉg ỷhbjhsẖ kۈcẖۈrmh mạzgẖạp, : Xiaoxin hui you yitian zenjir:
‎Zhnjy̱r bۇgẖy̱dۇ gy̱ly̱ṉgh ny̱qtạp. :: Lianzi: Shuanzhe ni:

Dastihanni aq:: Yanhui kaishile:
Maxrapta ussul,: Tiao qile mai xilai fu:
Nahma nawa nazu nimmat yurtumda osol:: Zhe chang jiaxiang de shengyan zaigezaiwu meishi piao xiang:
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新疆Cypher (Xin Jiangcypher) Lyrics English

CN’s respect I created almost the next step is Asia
If the top is “TUESDAY”, then I am “taco”
See Ya Tomorrow, you, Maihapi: See you tomorrow:
One or two is too garbage, don’t pull the horizontal line and lower the level

I don’t want to say you if you look at it yourself
But you let me even Dior Yeah Man We have to drink one
I talked with Three about our previous internal crickets
We want to be the focus, whether it is active or passive

Replaced their ridiculous sarcasters with costs
Now the gold on my neck is too heavy to have back pain
Shyt, I don’t think you will forget
All Ma Brada: My brothers: Really dior dior to I want to get it

Everyone wants to find a password, but there is no account
The next ten years of the west will be created by us
Ay jade! Sallgood do n’t sendis sh2dem

Western China UnderGround: Western Rap:
baxta heriket andin pilan: Action first and then plan:
7million xehsi ayripilaan: Take 7 million on a private jet:
To da Top from de Bottom My Braat: The brothers standing at the peak are all my streets:

mandin baxkisi bika: Except for me all white:
Urumqige Ba Urumqige Bama DEP: Everyone’s way to go home everywhere, someone is looking forward to:
Dumtikita ONGDISIGA DUMTITATATATA: Otherwise, I would like to show me the drum of fighting the shelf:

Tehitugimidikisas: Our account is not over yet:
YILTIZ ISKILAT: label name:
Western China UnderGround: Western Rap:
UNDE RAP UNDE POWER UNDE PILAN: On the planning of rap:

Im the Man Saymyname call me klat: I am the one who said me, my name is me KLAT:
nadin kalding bra taxkipilant: Where do you come from? I came to aliens:
Kozemni Axti Kongamdiki Gilem: The magnificent flying carpet under me brings me into a new world:
Kozangni AQ Kumluktiki Yilan: The snake in the desert opens your deep eyes:

All day all day undegrand sh#t: Every day and night thinks of rap:
Yeah m#f#k Umda Undegrand King
QANDIGHA? :Ready? Besides

Balla Tayyar Bashlawe, OKAY COOL: “Brothers are ready to start”, good, cool:
Dadangning Dewrice Qoysang Mawu NaxSha Xudddiy Uh: This song will be a hot list in his father’s days:
Bay Xënimlar Bek Amraq (Chaqa) Erkek Version “YAR QAYDU”: There are rich women who love to listen, just like the more manly “Yar Qaydu”:
“Repmu? Zukammu?” Deysen chünki wekshi taqaydu: Will you question “Is this rap or a cold?” Because the spread is everywhere:

Yiritiwetmeymen, Titimen Men: I have to break this circle not only to break, but also to tear:
Rep: REPNING Singiki Sundi, Yilikni Tökiwetmeymen Ichimen Men: The spine of the rap is broken.
Mëkiyan? Qoshqar? Beef? Göshning Temini Uqimen Men: Chicken? Lamb? beef? The quality of the clear meat I wore:

Lamb skewers rap? ukangza zixni közüngge tiqimen men: Brothers, a little bit, the signature is not long eyes! Besides
zih ni Kozidin Den yulup: Unplug the visa inserted in my eyes:
Leme Pop SOM SMOKE Man Kikiwitay: The smoke of popular music is me, the tobacco is me to play:

this wildfire, Like, Flow Like Zippo Man Yikiwitay: This wildfire Kaibara’s Flow is like Zippo. I will ignite this carnival:
Imma Millie Owner Millionaire: I am a friend of Miller, Richard’s brother:
nazuk PP Ringni qikiwitay: Fan Broken your fragile Philippe fart:
San Titiwatsang Manmu Titiwitiman: 3 To tear it, then I have to help him take it into a gray:

Bula qidimisa, Aqigini Ni Bisiwity YO: I ca n’t get used to it too well, that can only be forcibly calm down the anger in your heart:
I am the fantasy OPP in your song: imaginary enemy:
Must have the ph#ck up: You must control your mouth:
san bizbilan oynima: You are not worthy of entering our team:

Kerixsang qixingni Yeden Tap: If you do n’t have your own strength, you will only make you look for your teeth:
Conscious Rappers continue to do their fake data FACTS Goroz: Great truth:
This is just the first step of internationalization. Next to learn bonjur Gutentag: Hello: Hello: Hello:
We have ruled DRILL for a year

Listening to Type Shyt: Template: Template:
Play a video for k Shao Find A New Balenci: I found a new shoe paper:
Do you want me to buy some along the way?
Victoria Chinese is mixed with writing words in my shadow because of thats my shyt: That’s the style of brother with fire:

It’s best to get your face for your face, otherwise Brother Wolf warns you this is just the beginning
The places where the barbaric growth goes by the grass is not born
Platinum VIP black belly rich man
Don’t say regret the rap MAN

Once the opponent now regrets birth directly
Famous wandering fluttered from the new world to the ancient city
There are also billions of voices in your site
ozangle yiginawa tortingni: Eat it for myself, I want far more than this:

What I want is the shares that account for 51 in this market
Al Pakino 6
Kasa Kizla Kiydu Kalta: The girls wore a short skirt:

Shake shake it oyna halida: Play as much as possible:
“Alpakino Kanda Ballsan?!”: What is Alpakino? Intersection Besides
Kandak oylisag xundak Balmangu: What do you think of me, what kind of character I am:
We just adjust the parameters for the game

Blow out all my shadow division Rappers
WG Type Shyt tore off your blueprint
Oynag Halidam A: Play it and jump up:
Elip Badan Ni Mandin Qaykag Halidam: Release your enthusiasm and enjoy the carnival:

BilMay Esilip Kammag Maykam Ga Halidam: Don’t accidentally pull my collar:
Yeyeye Louis Vuitton bu: This is LV’s top:
Xunnugga baykagaghalidam: You want to be careful:

So a few times, I tear a few times when I tear it a few times
3000 field umbroskii supports itself
Lao Tzu Baiyu dipped in your Red Eye
China Power Wild West Side (Huaxia Power No. 1)

Broskik has to continue
Ladys call me Xinjiang EDC: Baby calls me Xinjiang Edison Chen:
Where I am there, they will not mention you
because I am

Al Pakino 6
Kasa Kizla Kiydu Kalta: The girls wore a short skirt:
Shake shake it oyna halida: Play as much as possible:
“Alpakino Kanda Ballsan?!”: What kind of character do you have? Intersection Besides

Kandak oylisag xundak Balmangu: What do you think of me, what kind of character I am:
We just adjust the parameters for the game
Blow out all my shadow division Rappers
WG Type Shyt tore off your blueprint

Amalyk Kandeba Xoh Xoh: The passion in the blood is unstoppable:
Sorry, Lao Tie’s ug la noqi am poqi: The guys are handsome and handsome:
Connect the national rap statue to build a high -speed rail

We are the contemporary Master Bayi
Your whole family has no director, my director Fei Duo
AMMA immersive rice AMMA AMMA all over the world Mi AMMA
Rap Sodela, the text of you is Xiaomi: Business: Business: Business:

Your Douyin’s performance is my bedtime laugh
You produce Bullsh is your fan’s pastry
Rap Digan Nasiden Waskiqa Boldi: Rap this thing advise you to give up 8:
Listen to your mother, go home and go to the postgraduate entrance examination

Listen to my brother
Not only Xinjiang, I am the most hanging director in Chinese rap
Seven cards Didi Brush
Firima: milk tea powder:

The lips are like Piqina: Little biscuit:
Kiqida up in both feet: Big evening:
Nurxia lifts his temper
Fame is outside Tixida: Outside:

Big Cascade Rapry System Large
Do not talk about the business
The organizer begs us not to go
Our red like wine

We are very clean and spiritually
Your oil is like latex sleeve
Your red is not called red
We are rapped unicorn

This cypher is not free shipping
، ، زالىم زالىم: Who can control your own desire:

未: ئالىم.: In the future, there will be a certain name:
، ، قارنىم قارنىم: I have always been ashamed:
ئىش ئىش ئايرپ تۇت تۇت تۇت .: Do not be too greedy to do things:
، ، چوڭىدىن چوڭىدىن چوڭىدىن 辈 辈 辈 ھۆرمەت ھۆرمەت ھۆرمەت ھۆرمەت is a great support:

事: ئوڭىدىن .:
قوڭىدىن قوڭىدىن غىتمەك غىتمەك 避: Avoid imitation of those mediocre people:
موسادىن موسادىن گاڭسا گاڭسا يىراق تۇر تۇر تۇر .: Consciously stay away from gangsamosa:
ئىتتىپاقلىققا ئىتتىپاقلىققا قىلغان ، ،: The wall of unity we worked hard:

لاققا لاققا كېتىپتۇ لۇققا ، ،: There are always people who are not good at wanting to destroy:
، ، تۇققا 自 自: Your self -proclaimed fairness is just a cloud of clouds:
بالىلققا بالىلققا كىلەلەمسەن؟؟ 所 所 所 所 ناچارلىقتا ناچارلىقتا ناچارلىقتا ناچارلىقتا ناچارلىقتا ناچارلىقتا ناچارلىقتا ناچارلىقتا ناچارلىقتا ناچارلىقتا ناچارلىقتا ناچارلىقتا ناچارلىقتا ناچارلىقتا is right to your innocent childhood:
رەپلەرنى رەپلەرنى ئېغىر ئېغىر ،: My rap will be a advice to you:

它: يىلىك.: They can bring you strength:
، ، سەپلەرنى سەپلەرنى سەپلەرنى: Build a noble collective:
بولما بولما ، چۈرۈك سىنىك سىنىك سىنىك .: Once you leave the collective, you will wanderless:
، ، ئۇيۇت ئۇيۇت: Please let go of your heart knot to resolve the contradiction in your heart:

مەيدان مەيدان تاللا ۋە قۇتۇب قۇتۇب قۇتۇب.: Select the correct position and direction:
، ، ياققىسىغا 要 要: Don’t provoke people who are self -dedicated:
پاققىنىڭغا پاققىنىڭغا نوچى 一 .: Once you approach, you will fall into the abyss:
تاككاڭ تاككاڭ سېنىڭ ، ،: What you say is like the misty clouds:

ماڭقاڭ ماڭقاڭ ئىكەن 字 字 字 字 .: There is still a thin childishness in the line:
مازغاپ مازغاپ كۈچۈرمە ، 小 小: Be careful one day zenjir:
نىقتاپ نىقتاپ گىلىڭە::. :: Chain: Tie you:
Murat King:

dastihanni AQ :: The banquet begins:
maxRapta users ,: jumping up Mai Xilai:
nahma nawa nazu nimmat yurtumda osol ::
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新疆Cypher (Xin Jiangcypher)