断崖 (Duan Ya) Lyrics – 翎人祭酒

断崖 (Duan Ya) 歌词 Lyrics by 翎人祭酒

别太计较 天生带笑
经历戒骄戒躁 夜枭窃笑的白云笼 明月照
我会先你领略到 再切掉你的叶茂

信心百倍 一脚踩碎 让你的人生变成省略号
Say 翎人to the祭酒
让所有对手看到我 全部都战栗退后

你知道这个世界胜者为王 败者为寇
管你是什么身份 什么王亲贵胄
Say 翎人to the祭酒

让所有小看我的人 全部都后悔内疚
魑魅魍魉当道 只因我还没睡够
退散 弱者全部都退散开

来几个全部都一样 在这个beat上慢半拍
慌乱扮乖的你 慌不择路的挤进这个圈子
你的意图 势必原形毕露

记住 现在有些所谓的rapper十有八个垃
发热的头脑发射“大个头”的808 凑八个bar
花色不一的造型 麦克阿瑟看了都叫停
发着疯找瓜葛 蹭到摔倒也能趴着骂

Hold on 凝聚查克拉
别想凑的近 这是一封给hater写的信
一生铆足了劲 却只能追赶到我的脚印

看他们全都红了眼 唱童歌唱到泄了劲
慢 你的速度像只乌龟再爬
遗憾的是 这个世界只快问快答
看你连滚带爬的跑路 却又难以站稳脚步

不只差一个level 我们之间是少数的断崖
Say 翎人to the祭酒
让所有对手看到我 全部都战栗退后

你知道这个世界胜者为王 败者为寇
管你是什么身份 什么王亲贵胄
Say 翎人to the祭酒

让所有小看我的人 全部都后悔内疚
魑魅魍魉当道 只因我还没睡够

垂柳边系马 无际青山入眼
从来都不打这主意 唯独避开欲望的奴隶
不是一路人的不服气 别跟他多说因为无益

把这个世界 当成一个巨大的草台班
祛那些滤镜化的风景 转头看青鸟白山
在混沌之中窥见内幕后 去寻找桃花庵
世事浮云何足去问 不如高卧且加餐

翎人to the祭酒
让所有对手看到我 全部都战栗退后
你知道这个世界胜者为王 败者为寇

管你是什么身份 什么王亲贵胄
Say 翎人to the祭酒
让所有小看我的人 全部都后悔内疚

魑魅魍魉当道 只因我还没睡够
不设置中场休息 我们进入到下个verse段
你们辛苦的打下的所谓的地基 还没我脚下的垛子宽

我门庭若市 转头已看不见你 不是弱视
坦白地讲 我没做错的事 就是没跟你这弱智玩
别太在意的发脾气 花又落我家
实力不够就回去修炼 再匹配上你的敌意

别再期待奇迹的发生 其实你早就被遗弃
怎么又过了一季 你还是没有擦掉哭泣的鼻涕

一笑出门去 尽管在我的身躯之上铭刀疤
大道无尽 留一笔在人生的剧情雕花
我偏要做 傲于高墙万人敌的凌霄花
又怎会怕 烟岚雾霭风雨和雷鸣交加

笑出门去 尽管在我身躯之上铭刀疤
大道无尽 留一笔在人生的剧情上雕花
Say 翎人to the祭酒

让所有对手看到我 全部都战栗退后
你知道这个世界胜者为王 败者为寇
管你是什么身份 什么王亲贵胄
Say翎人to the祭酒

让所有小看我的人 全部都后悔内疚
魑魅魍魉当道 只因我还没睡够
Find more lyrics at asialyrics.com

Listen to their music here
AsiaLyrics.com Amazon Music
Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate and an Apple Partner, we earn from qualifying purchases

断崖 (Duan Ya) Lyrics Pinyin

Xian zuo ge ziwo jieshao
bie tai jijiao tiansheng dai xiao
jingli jie jiao jie zao ye xiao qie xiao de baiyun long mingyue zhao
wo hui xian ni linglue dao zai qie diao ni de ye mao

xinxin baibei yi jiao cai sui rang ni de rensheng bian cheng shengluehao
Say ling ren to the ji jiu
chixu zhandou
rang suoyou duishou kan dao wo quanbu dou zhanli tui hou

ni zhidao zhege shijie sheng zhe wei wang bai zhe wei kou
guan ni shi shenme shenfen shenme wang qin guizhou
Say ling ren to the ji jiu
dapo hei zhou

rang suoyou xiao kan wo de ren quanbu dou houhui neijiu
ni zhi pei chengwei bieren de xiaoliao zai chayufanhou
chimeiwangliang dangdao  zhi yin wo hai mei shui gou
tuisan ruozhe quanbu dou tuisan kai

lai ji ge quanbu dou yiyang zai zhege beat shang man ban pai
huangluan ban guai de ni huangbuzelu de ji jin zhege quanzi
cai faxian ziji de yiwushichu
ni de yitu shibi yuanxing bilu

ji zhu xianzai youxie suowei de rapper shi you ba ge la
fare de tounao fashe “da getou” de 808 cou ba ge bar
huase bu yi de zaoxing maike’ase kanle dou jiao ting
fazhe feng zhao guage ceng dao shuai dao ye neng pazhe ma

Hold on ningju cha kela
wo xian yong maike jie ge yin
bie xiang cou de jin zhe shi yi feng gei hater xie de xin
yisheng mao zule jin que zhi neng zhuigan dao wo de jiaoyin

kan tamen quandou hongle yan chang tong gechang dao xiele jin
man ni de sudu xiang zhi wugui zai pa
yihan de shi zhege shijie zhi kuai wen kuai da
kan ni lian gun dai pa de pao lu que you nanyi zhan wen jiaobu

buzhi cha yige level women zhi jian shi shao shu de duanya
Say ling ren to the ji jiu
chixu zhandou
rang suoyou duishou kan dao wo quanbu dou zhanli tui hou

ni zhidao zhege shijie sheng zhe wei wang bai zhe wei kou
guan ni shi shenme shenfen shenme wang qin guizhou
Say ling ren to the ji jiu
dapo hei zhou

rang suoyou xiao kan wo de ren quanbu dou houhui neijiu
ni zhi pei chengwei bieren de xiaoliao zai chayufanhou
chimeiwangliang dangdao  zhi yin wo hai mei shui gou
ben xiang yu fengchen zhi wai duli

chuiliu bian xi ma wuji qingshan ruyan
f#kan yishen aoran guqi: Zhui ming zhu li:
Conglai dou bu da zhe zhuyi wei du bi kai yuwang de nuli
bushi yilu ren de bu fuqi bie gen ta duo shuo yin wei wuyi

ba zhege shijie dangcheng yige juda de cao tai ban
qu naxie lu jing hua de fengjing zhuan tou kan qingniao baishan
zai hundun zhi zhong kuijian neimu hou qu xunzhao taohua an
shishi fuyun he zu qu wen buru gao wo qie jia can

ling ren to the ji jiu
chixu zhandou
rang suoyou duishou kan dao wo quanbu dou zhanli tui hou
ni zhidao zhege shijie sheng zhe wei wang bai zhe wei kou

guan ni shi shenme shenfen shenme wang qin guizhou
Say ling ren to the ji jiu
dapo hei zhou
rang suoyou xiao kan wo de ren quanbu dou houhui neijiu

ni zhi pei chengwei bieren de xiaoliao zai chayufanhou
chimeiwangliang dangdao  zhi yin wo hai mei shui gou
bu shezhi zhong chang xiuxi  women jinru dao xia ge verse duan
nimen xinku de daxia de suowei di diji  hai mei wo jiaoxia de duozi kuan

wo mentingruoshi zhuan tou yi kan bujian ni bushi ruoshi
tanbai di jiang wo mei zuo cuo de shi  jiushi mei gen ni zhe ruozhi wan
bie tai zaiyi de fa piqi hua you luo wojia
shili bugou jiu huiqu xiulian  zai pipei shang ni de diyi

bie zai qidai qiji de fa sheng qishi ni zao jiu bei yiqi
zenme youguole yiji  ni haishi meiyou ca diao kuqi de biti
wo pian yao zuo zhe ao yu gao qiang wan ren di de lingxiaohua
pa? Zen pa yan lan wu’ai fengyu leiming jiaojia

yixiao chumen qu jinguan zai wo de shenqu zhi shang ming dao ba
dadao wujin liu yi bi zai rensheng de juqing diaohua
wo pian yao zuo ao yu gao qiang wan ren di de lingxiaohua
you zen hui pa yan lan wu’ai fengyu he leiming jiaojia

xiao chumen qu jinguan zai wo shenqu zhi shang ming dao ba
dadao wujin liu yi bi zai rensheng de juqing shang diaohua
Say ling ren to the ji jiu
chixu zhandou

rang suoyou duishou kan dao wo quanbu dou zhanli tui hou
ni zhidao zhege shijie sheng zhe wei wang bai zhe wei kou
guan ni shi shenme shenfen shenme wang qin guizhou
Say ling ren to the ji jiu

dapo hei zhou
rang suoyou xiao kan wo de ren quanbu dou houhui neijiu
ni zhi pei chengwei bieren de xiaoliao zai chayufanhou
chimeiwangliang dangdao  zhi yin wo hai mei shui gou
Find more lyrics at asialyrics.com

断崖 (Duan Ya) Lyrics English

First introduce yourself
Don’t be too nice to be smiling
Baiyun cage bright moon photo that has been ridiculous and irritable night
I will appreciate your Ye Mao first

Faith hundred times stepping on the crushing make your life into a omission number
Say people to the sacrifice wine
Continuous battle
Let all opponents see me all shuddered back

Do you know that the winner of this world is the king and the loser as the pirate
No matter what you are, what is your identity?
Say people to the sacrifice wine
Break the dark day

Let everyone who underestimate me regret guilty
You only match as someone else’s jokes after tea dinner
N 魑 魑 & nbsp; just because I haven’t slept enough
All those who have dispersed the weak are all retreated

Here are a few all the same on this beat half -shot
Passionate and obedient, you squeeze into this circle in a panic
Only found that myself was useless
Your intention is bound to be revealed

Remember that there are eight garbage in some so -called rapper now
The hot brain launch the “big head” 808 and eight BAR
MacArthur’s different styles of color, MacArthur stopped and stopped
Sending crazy to find Gua Ge, you can scold on your stomach when you fall

Hold on condensing Chakra
I seal with Macline first
Don’t want to get closer, this is a letter to Hater
I can only chase my footprints in my life

Seeing them all red, singing children and singing to leak hardships
Slow your speed like a turtle to climb again
Unfortunately, this world only question and answer quickly
It is difficult for you to stand still in your roll -up running.

Not only one level, we are a few cliffs between us
Say people to the sacrifice wine
Continuous battle
Let all opponents see me all shuddered back

Do you know that the winner of this world is the king and the loser as the pirate
No matter what you are, what is your identity?
Say people to the sacrifice wine
Break the dark day

Let everyone who underestimate me regret guilty
You only match as someone else’s jokes after tea dinner
N 魑 魑 & nbsp; just because I haven’t slept enough
I wanted to be independent outside the wind and dust

The vertical willow edge is the horseless blue mountain in the eyes
Overlooking a proud bone qi: Chasing the name and profit:
Slaves who have never played this idea only avoided desire
It’s not unconvinced all the way, don’t tell him more because it is not beneficial

Take this world as a huge grass class
Remove those filter -like landscapes and turn around to see Blue Bird Baishan
See the inside story in the chaos to find peach blossoms
Why do you ask the world?

Lauren to the sacrifice wine
Continuous battle
Let all opponents see me all shuddered back
Do you know that the winner of this world is the king and the loser as the pirate

No matter what you are, what is your identity?
Say people to the sacrifice wine
Break the dark day
Let everyone who underestimate me regret guilty

You only match as someone else’s jokes after tea dinner
N 魑 魑 & nbsp; just because I haven’t slept enough
Do not set up a midfield rest & nbsp; we enter the next VERSE paragraph
The so -called foundation & nbsp you have worked hard;

My Guting City has turned around and can’t see that you are not amblyopia
Frankly talk about what I do right & nbsp; I just play with you weak wisdom
Don’t care too much about your temper and fall at home
Go back to practice & nbsp; then match your hostility

Don’t look forward to the miracle, but you have been abandoned long ago
Why did you pass another season & nbsp; you still haven’t wiped off the crying nose
I want to do this Ling Xiaohua, who is proud of the rival of high walls
Afraid? How are you afraid of Yan Lan Wu 雨 雨 怎 怎 怎 怎 怎 怎 怎 怎

Go out and go out, although the scar on my body
Avenue is endlessly carved in the plot of life
I want to be Ling Xiaohua, who is proud of the rivals of high walls
How can I be afraid of Yan Lan, fog, storm and rain and thunder.

Laughing out, although the scar on my body
The road is endlessly carved on the plot of life
Say people to the sacrifice wine
Continuous battle

Let all opponents see me all shuddered back
Do you know that the winner of this world is the king and the loser as the pirate
No matter what you are, what is your identity?
Say people to the sacrifice wine

Break the dark day
Let everyone who underestimate me regret guilty
You only match as someone else’s jokes after tea dinner
N 魑 魑 & nbsp; just because I haven’t slept enough
Find more lyrics at asialyrics.com

翎人祭酒 Lyrics – 断崖 (Duan Ya)

Listen to their music here
AsiaLyrics.com Amazon Music
Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate and an Apple Partner, we earn from qualifying purchases


断崖 (Duan Ya)